No. 643. An Act to secure to the Mercantile Library of Talbot
County the use of a set of the Archives of Maryland as published
by the Maryland Historical Society..................................................
No. 641. An Act authorizing the Antietam Battlefield Commission of
Maryland to transfer to the perpetual care of the Govetnment of
the United States the property acquired by them on the battle-
field of Antietam, Maryland..........................................................
No. 645. An Act to prevent the extermination of game in Worcester
County .....................................................................................
No. 646. An Act to appropriate a certain sum to the House of Refuge
for the purpose of remodeling the plumbing and closets of the
building, and for increasing the water supply, and for other nec-
essary repairs.............................................................................
No. 647. An Act to authorize and empower the County Commission-
ers of Carroll County to adjust and settle the accounts of William
W. Smelser, late collector of county taxes of Carroll County........
No. 648. An Act to incorporate the Baltimore County and City Rail-
way, Electric Light and Improvement Company..........................
No. 649. An Act to give the sanction and consent of the General
Assembly of Maryland to the deed of a certain piece of land to the
Vestry of the Church of Atonement, a body corporate, of the City
of Baltimore...............................................................................
No. 650. An Act to add an additional section to Article 4, of the
Code of Public Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore," sub-title
"Inspections, Weights and Measures," sub-division "Coal," to
follow Section five hundred and thirty-nine, and to be known as
Section 539...............................................................................
No. 651. An Act to appropriate to Dr. J. Fussell Martinet, State
Vaccine Agent, a sum of money expended for the needs of his
office in excess of the appropriation for that department..............
No. 652. An Act changing the metes and bounds, courses and dis-
tances of Election District No. 21, in Allegany County, Maryland.
No. 653. An Act to authorize and empower the Commissioners of
Easton to execute a deed or deeds of release to the Avon Hotel
Company of Talbot County and John Mason, respectively, of so
much of the lots enclosed by them, respectively, as was formerly
covered by an alley running north from Dover street as a contin-
uation of Talbot lane, in exchange for another parcel of land to be
used for a public alley................................................................
No. 654. An Act to incorporate the Princess Anne and Deal's Island
Light, Power and Railway Company, and to declare its rights,
privileges, powers and franchises..................................................
No. 655. An Act granting and declaring the sanction and confirma-
tion of the General Assembly of Maryland to the bequest made
by and contained in the last will and testament of John Coulter,
late of Baltimore County, deceased, and the codicil thereto, and
also to the bequest made by and contained in the last will and
testament and codicil thereto of Eliza Jane Coulter, late of Balti-
more County, deceased, and ratifying and confirming the said be-
quests in the will of said John Coulter to the Seminary at Pitts-