torneys at Law and Attorneys in Fact," to be known as Section
11A and Section 11B....................................................................
No. 310. An Act to repeal Section eighty-eight of Article 75 of the
Code of Public General Laws of Maryland relating to "Pleadings,
Practice and Process," as amended by Chapter six hundred and
thirty-five of the Acts of eighteen hundred and ninety, and to re-
enact said section amended..........................................................
No. 311. An Act to limit the session of the Grand Jury in Frederick
No. 312. An Act to refund a sum of money out of the State Treasury
to John Keilholtz for State taxes paid by him on trust funds, such
funds being exempt from taxation..............................................
No. 313. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments, Section
seven hundred and ninety-six, of Article 4, of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore," sub-title "Street Railway
Fares," as amended and re-enacted by Chapter one hundred and
twenty-three of the Acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-eight.....
No. 314. Au Act to authorize and empower the Mayor and Common
Council of Westminster to contract with the Westminster Fire
and Hose Company No, I, of Westminster, a body corporate, for
its aid in the suppression of fires in the corporate limits of the
City of Westminster....................................................................
No. 315. An Act to extend the privileges, enlarge the powers and
amend the charter of the Credit Men's Association of Baltirnore
City, a corporation duly incorporated under the General Laws of
the State of Maryland.................................................................
No. 316. An Act to define the powers and authority of the juvenile
institutions and societies............................................................
No. 317. An Act to incorporate the "United Deposit and Fidelity
Company of Maryland................................................................
No. 318. An Act to repeal Section two of Article 54 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, title "Land Office," and Sec-
tions eleven and fifteen of same Article, as amended and re
enacted by the Acts of Assembly of eighteen hundred and ninety-
four, Chapter one hundred and ninety-one...................................
No. 319. An Act to permit the United Railway and Electric Com-
pany of Baltimore to increase its board of directors from the
present number, to wit: nine, unto eleven, and to provide that of
such number two may be citizens and residents of States other
than the State of Maryland..........................................................
No. 320, An Act to repeal Section three of Chapter seven hundred
and four of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, of the
Session of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, entitled an "Act to
provide for the assessment and collection of a tax upon distilled
spirits, and to re-enact said Section three so as to read as follows:
and also to add an additional section to said Chapter seven hun-
dred and four, to be known as Section twelve................................
No. 321. An Act to incorporate the Consumers' Electric Light, Gas,
Heat and Power Company of Frederick County............................
No. 322. An Act to incorporate the United Trust Company...............