Protestant Church, at Kemptown, Election District No. 9, of
Frederick County, Maryland...........................................................
No. 168. An Act to refund to John R. Benton, of Queen Anne's
County, a sum of money erroneously paid by him into the State
Treasury........................................... .................
No. 169. An Act to authorize and empower the Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Laurel to borrow money on the credit of said town for the
purpose of constructing water-works for said town, do necessary
draining, and purchase, construct or erect an electric lighting and
power plant. To issue bonds for the payment of the same, and to
levy taxes on the assessable property of said town to redeem the
said bonds and pay the interest thereon.......................................
No. 170. An Act to amend Article n of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland, title "Frederick County," by inserting after
Section thirty-seven, under a new sub-title, to be designated
"Attorney's Fees," certain additional sections, to be known as 37A
and 37B, providing for the appointment of Assistant Counsel in
Criminal and other State cases, and to defend in criminal cases,
and regulating the compensation to be allowed the County Com-
missioners of said county for such services............... ... .....
No. 171. An Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay the claim of
William J. C. Dulany Company for stationery furnished the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland of eighteen hundred and ninety-eight;
the Executive Department, Court of Appeals and State Library
for eighteen hundred and ninety-eight; the Executive Department,
Court of Appeals ami-State Library for eighteen hundred and
ninety-nine, and the General Assembly of nineteen hundred........
No. 172. An Act to declare the sanction of the General Assembly of
Maryland to a certain gift and bequest to the "Redemptorists," a
body corporate............................................................................
No. 173. An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
9A of Chapter three hundred and eighty-one, of the Acts of Assem-
bly passed January Session eighteen hundred and eighty-eight,
entitled "An Act to amend the charter of the Agricultural and
Mechanical Association of Wasington County" ..........................
No. 174. An Act to amend the charter and enlarge the powers of the
Fidelity Fire Insurance Company of Baltimore City, a corporation
formed under the general incorporation law of this State........ .
No. 175. An Act to authorize and require the County Commissioners
of Anne Arundel County to construct a proper draw to the bridge
over Long Cove, a branch of Curtis Bay, in Anne Arundel County,
and to provide by taxation the means for the construction of the
No. 176. An Act to amend Chapter three hundred and seventy-four,
of the Acts of eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, of the General
Assembly of Maryland, entitled "An Act to incorporate the Citi-
zens' Trust and Deposit Company of Baltimore."..........................
No. 177. An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of Anne
Arundel County to subscribe to the capital stock of the Baltimore
and Southern Railroad Company..................................................