No. 12. An Act to authorize the Board of Police Commissioners of
Baltimore City to pension Andrea P. Caldwell, formerly a police-
man and clerk of the police force of Baltimore City... .... .
No. 13. An Act to add a new section to Article 10 of the Code of
Public General Laws, title "Attorneys," to follow Section twelve,
and to be designated as Section I2A..........................................
No. 15. An Act to repeal Sections 740 and 741 of Article 4, Public
Local Laws, entitled "City of Baltimore," sub-title "Police Com-
missioners," as amended and re-enacted by Chapter one hundred
and twenty-three of the Acts of 1898, and to re-enact the same
with amendments......................................................................
No. 16. An Act to provide for the creation of a Board of Police
Examiners for Baltimore City, to define and prescribe the duties
thereof, and regulate appointments to, promotions, reductions in
rank and transfers in, and removal from the police force of said
city, and to repeal all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with
this Act; said provisions to be a part of Article 4, Public Local
Laws, sub-title "Police Commissioners," and to be numbered Sec-
tions 745, 745B, 745C, 7450, 745E and 745...................................
No. 17. An Act to repeal Chapter four hundred and forty-two of
the Laws passed at the January Session of 1898, title "Talbot
County," sub-title "Fish"...........................................................
No. 18. An Act to amend an Act of the General Assembly of Mary-
land, passed at the January Session of 1898, Chapter two hundred
and fifty-nine, entitled an "Act to incorporate the Real Estate
Trust Company," so that the corporate title of the said corpo-
ration shall hereafter be "Colonial Trust Company"...................
No. 19. An Act to repeal Section two hundred and fifty-three of
Article 7 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, title
"Carroll County," sub-title "Westminster," and re-enact the same
with amendments.......................................................................
No. 20. An Act to authorize the Mayor and Common Council of the
town of Union Bridge, Carroll County, Maryland, to issue bonds
to raise money to pay off the amount of outstanding bonds here-
tofore issued by said municipal corporation, under authority given
by the Act of Assembly of 1884, Chapter twenty-nine, and to levy
and collect the necessary taxes for the payment of said bonds and
the interest thereon.....................................................................
No. 21. An Act to repeal Section two hundred and ninety-six of
Article 23 of the Code of Public General Laws, title "Corpora-
tions," sub-title "Process," as amended by the Act of the General
Assembly of Maryland of 1862, Chapter six hundred and one, and
to re-enact the same with amendments...........................................
No. 22. An Act to amend Article 27 of the Code of Public General
Laws of Maryland, title "Crimes and Punishments," by adding a
new section thereto, to be known as Section 75A ..........................
No. 23. Au Act to repeal Chapter four hundred and seven of the
Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of eighteen hundred
and ninety-eight, entitled an "Act to add an additional section to
Article 38 of the Code of Public General Laws, entitled "Fines