barn; thence north fifty degrees, west seven hundred and
eight feet to a beech tree on bank of Neff's Run; thence
south seventy-five degrees, west one thousand feet to a
planted stone marked No. 2, on the bank of said run; thence
north forty degrees, west four hundred feet to a planted stone
marked No. 3, near a white oak tree at top of ridge above
Dr. A. G. Smith's property; thence north thirteen degrees,
west nine hundred and seventy four feet to a sugar maple tree
on road leading to Saint Joseph's Catholic Church; thence
south five degrees, west five hundred and twenty three feet to
a white oak tree; thence south eighty two degrees, west two
hundred and fifty feet to a planted stone marked No. 4; thence
north eighty-four degrees, west six hundred and thirty-one
feet to a white oak tree on side of Church road; thence south
forty degrees, west twelve hundred feet to a pine tree on bank
of George's Creek, and running along said Creek, south five
degrees, east eight hundred and seventy feet to a planted
stone marked No. 5; thence running south forty-five degrees,
east one thousand one hundred and fifty feet, to place of
Shall cause a
survey and
plat of lands,
lots, etc.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That within ninety days after
the adoption of this charter, and the election of the Commis-
missioners hereafter provided for, the said Commissioners
shall cause a survey and plat of the lands, lots, streets and
alleys embraced in the boundaries named in the preceding sec-
tion to be made, and shall have the same recorded in the office
of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Allegany County, as the
corporate limits of the said town of Midland.
Owners of land
may petition
extension of
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That whenever any person
or persons owning lands adjacent to, the corporate limits
of the said town of Midland shall desire that said limits
shall be extended so as to embrace his, her or their lands, the
said person or persons shall express the same to the Commis,
sioners of Midland, by petition, and if any of said land or
lands is laid off in lots, streets or alleys, a majority of these
persons owning said lots bounding on one or more streets or
alleys, may express, by petition to the said Commissioners,
their desire to have said lots, streets and alleys embraced in
the corporate limits of the town aforesaid.
Extension of
limits shall be
submitted to
voters of said
town. etc.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That in the event of a petition
being filed with the Commissioners of Midland, as aforesaid,
by any person or persons as provided for in the preceding
section, then the said Commissioners shall submit the matters
as expressed in said petition to the qualified voters of said