County; the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Harford
County; the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Carroll
County; the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Elkton, Cecil
County; the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Montgomery
County; the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Somerset and
Worcester Counties, and the Mutual Insurance Company of
Washington County be and they are hereby authorized and
empowered to reinsure in any other fire insurance company
or companies, foreign or domestic, mutual or stock, the whole
or any part of any risk or risks which is or are now or may
hereafter be carried or assumed by any of said named Mutual
Fire Insurance Companies.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 10, 1900.
AN ACT to incorporate the West Baltimore Bank.
given certain
Mutual Fire
Companies of
Maryland to
re-insure risks
in other
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That William C. Scherer, George V. Spedden, Samuel
T. Richards, Robert D. McCurdy, Alfred J. Schultz, John H.
Stromyer, Oliver C. Cromwell, William B. Levy, Wilber F.
Stubbs, James S. Shipley, Edward G. Rost, George H. Will
and the subscribers to the stock of the corporation hereby
created, and their successors and assigns, be and they are
hereby created a body corporate by the name of the "West
Baltimore Bank," and by that name shall have perpetual suc-
cession, and shall be competent to sue and to be sued, in any
court of law or equity whatever; to have and use a common
seal and to alter the same at its pleasure; to make and adopt
a constitution and by-laws for the government of said body
corporate and its officers; provided, the same shall not conflict
with the Constitution and laws of this State or of the United
States; to elect directors and generally do, execute and en-
force all and singular such acts, contracts, matters and things
as may be necessary to carry out the object and protect the
interests of said body corporate, and to exercise the powers by
this Act conferred upon it.
West Balto.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the capital stock of
said body corporate shall consist of one thousand shares, of
the par value of twenty-five dollars each; the said body cor-
porate shall not, however, undertake the prosecution of its
business until the stock to the amount of fifteen thousand dol-
Capital stock.