On motion of Mr. Scrimger,
The House at 12. 45 P. M.,
Adjourned until Wednesday at 12 M.
WEDNESDAY, Jan. 24th, 1900.
The House met at 12 M., and was opened with
prayer by the Rev. Geo. S. Bell.
Present at the call of the roll the following members:
Messrs. Speaker, King, Garner, Kendall, Norris, of
Kent; Ditty, Krems, Feldmeyer, Simmons, Gibson,
Walbach, of G., Lancaster, Choate, Stewart, Truitt, of
Balto, co.; Mann, Sandman, Jeffers, Collins, Dudley, of
Talbot; Willis, Ward, Dryden, Disharoon, Cockran, An-
drews, Linthicum, Mackie, Keys, Kimble, Merrick, Per-
kins, Contee, Dudley, of Queen Anne's; Norman, Smith,
Anderson, of Worcester; Truitt, of Worcester; Buckey,
Waters, Bast, Lakin, Brown, of Frederick; Mitchell,
Proctor, Hopkins, Foster, Satterfield, Lednum, Scrim-
ger, Dunn, Gately, Mencke, Bramble, Sanford. Knott,
Lehmayer, Latrobe, Curtis, Duncan, Martenet, Sieg-
mund, Cover, Real, Johnson, Long, Staley, Biggs, Wol-
finger, Clark, Hutton, Radcliffe, Close, Critchfield, Graeff,
Anderson, of Carroll; Norris, of Carroll; Hoffacker,
Walsh, Wolfe, Hanson, Waller, Roberts, Bennett, Wilson,
Finzel. —86.
The Journal of the 23rd was read and approved.
The Speaker presented a letter from Wm. J. Buchanan,.
Director-General of Pan American Exposition, to His Ex-
cellency, Hon. John Walter Smith, calling attention to