Which was read a second time and ordered to be en-
grossed for a third reading.
House bill entitled "An Act to add an additional sec-
tion to Article 4, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title
'City of Baltimore, ' sub-title 'Taxes, ' to be known as
'Section 836 A. '"
Which was read a second time and ordered to be en-
grossed for a third reading.
House bill entitled "An Act relating to the Ante-Rev-
olution records and papers of Maryland. ''
Strike out all after the word "county, " end of section
2, and insert the following:
"Section 3. And be it further enacted, That the Com-
missioner of the Land Office of Maryland is hereby au-
thorized and directed to receive from the Register of
Wills of Anne Arundel county and from the Register of
Wills of Prince George's county, all the records and
papers designated and named in sections 1 and 2 of this
Act, and also to receive from such other public officials
of the State of Maryland upon the direction and order of
the Governor of the State, and from the clerks of the
Circuit Courts and the Registers of Wills of the different
counties of the State, upon the order and direction of
the judges of the several Judicial Circuits of Maryland,
and the Judges of the Supreme Bench of Baltimore city,
or from individuals, any and all other ante-Revolution
records and papers bearing upon or relating to the his-
tory of this State, as may desire to place them for safe
keeping in said office, and that he shall take into his cus-
tody all of the aforesaid records and papers and shall
safely keep and securely protect the same in his office.
''Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the Commis-
sioners of the Land Office and the Governor of Maryland,
are hereby authorized and directed to appoint a com-
petent person experienced in such work for the purpose
and to continue to completion and indexing of the rec-
ords of said Prerogative Court of Maryland, and pro-
vided for under the Act of 1898, chapter 237, and who
shall, if directed by the Commissioner of the Land office,
properly index any county court of Maryland prior to
the year 1777, and which may be in his, the said Land