House bill entitled "An Act to add a new section to
Article 8, of the Code of Public Local Laws, title 'Cecil
County, ' under the new sub-title 'Bills of Exchange and
Promissory Notes,, to be designated as 'Section 37 A, '
and to follow section 37. "
Which was read a second time, and ordered engrossed
for a third reading1.
House bill entitled "An Act to provide for the division
of the Second Election Precinct of the Ninth Election
District of Baltimore county into two elections precincts,
to be known as "Precinct No. 2 and Precinct No. 5, ' re-
spectively. "
Which was read a second time, and ordered engrossed
for a third reading.
House bill entitled "An Act to refund to Caleb H.
Price certain money spent by him to defend himself in a
criminal prosecution, the cause of which happened while
acting as a deputy officer of the Oyster Police Force of
the State of Maryland. "
Which was read a second time, and ordered to be
engrossed for a third reading.
House bill entitled "An Act to amend an Act of the
General Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January
session 1898, chapter 249, entitled 'An Act to incorporate
the 'Real Estate Trust Company' so that the corporate
title of said corporation shall hereafter be Colonial Trust
Company. "
Which was read a third time, and passed by yeas and
nays as follows:
Speaker, Keys, Curtis,
King. Kimble, Duncan,
Garner, Merrick, Martenet,
Kendall, Perkins, Real,
Norris, of Kent, Contee, Johnson,
Ditty, Dudley, of Q. A., Long,
Feldmeyer, Smith, Staley,
Simmons, Anderson, of Wor., Wolfinger,