numbered sections 100 and 101, under the sub-title
'Fraud—Fruit and Vegetable Packing. '"
Which was read a second time and ordered to be en-
grossed for a third reading.
House bill entitled "An Act to repeal section 2, of
chapter 311, of the Acts passed by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland at the session of 1838, entitled an Act
to provide for the placing of two statues of distinguished
deceased citizens of Maryland in the capitol at Washing-
ton, and to appropriate a sum of money therefor, and to
re-enact the same with amendments. "
Insert after section 2 the following sections:
"Section 2 A. And be it enacted, That any cost or ex-
pense, if any, which may have been already incurred by
the Commissioners heretofore appointed by the Governor
in pursuance of the Act of 1898, chapter 311, in contract-
ing for a statue of John Hanson, shall be first paid out
of the appropriation made by said Act for the statue to
John Hanson, and that the balance shall be applied to
the payment for the statue of John Eager Howard, pro-
vided in section 2 of this Act.
Sec. 2 B. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners
are hereby directed to immediately communicate the
provisions of this Act to the sculptor who has been em-
ployed by said commissioners.
Mr. Satterfield moved,
That the matter be indefinitely postponed,
Which motion was rejected,
The vote thereon by yeas and nays being as follows:
Garner, Pattison, Lehmayer,
Kendall, Mackie, Seigmund,
Norris, of Kent, Perkins, Long,
Ditty, Dudley, of Q. A., Wolfinger,
Krems, Truitt, of Wor., Clark,
Phelps, Waters, Deets,
Feldmeyer, Bast, Hutton,
Walbach, of G., Brown, of Fred., Frenzel,
Lancaster, Satterfield, Close,