1800. |
Elders incorporated,
Property vested
in them, &c.
Acts, &c. to be
signed, &c.
may purchase
property, &c. |
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the present elders of the said
church, viz. Adam Showers, Adam Burns, John Ritter and Henry Epaugh,
and their successors, to
be elected agreeably to the rules and regulations of said church, shall
be, and hereby are created and
declared to be, a body politic and corporate, by the name, style and title,
of The Elders of Zion
Church, in Baltimore county, and by the same name shall have perpetual
succession, and shall be able
to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, in any court of law or equity
in this state or elsewhere,
and to make and have a common seal, and the same to break, alter or renew,
at their pleasure,
and also to ordain and establish such by-laws and ordinances as shall appear
necessary for regulating
the temporal concerns of the said church, and or promoting literature within
the same, not
being repugnant to this act or the laws of this state.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all the lands
and tenements, with their appertenances, now
vested in trustees for the use of the said church, and all other property
of the said church, shall
be and are hereby absolutely and unconditionally vested in the said body
corporate, and their successors,
for ever; and the said corporation shall be, and they are hereby declared
to be, capable of
bargaining and selling, leasing and conveying, any part of the said property,
or any other property
which may hereafter be acquired by the said corporation, in as full and
effectual a manner as any
person or body corporate may or can do.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all acts or deeds
of the said corporation shall be signed by the
elders, in behalf of the corporation, and sealed with their corporate seal;
and all deeds by them for
the conveyance of any lands and tenements of the corporation, which by
the law of the land ought
to be acknowledged and recorded, shall be signed and sealed as aforesaid,
and shall also be acknowledged
in due form by the elders, as such, in behalf of the corporation; and all
acts or deeds of the
said body corporate, so authenticated, shall be valid and effectual in
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said corporation
shall be capable of purchasing hereafter real
and personal property, not exceeding in vaLue the sum of four thousand
dollars. |
Passed 19th of
Dec. 1800.
Persons incorporated,
Successors, how
to be elected,
&c. |
An ACT to incorporate the presbyterian church in Show Hill, in
Worcester county.
WHEREAS application hath been made to this general assembly for an
act of incorporation in
behalf of the presbyterian church in Snow Hill, in Worcester county, which
may enable
them to manage with convenience their temporal concerns,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the present committee of the said
church, consisting of the following persons, viz. James Martin, John Stevenson,
James Nairn,
Moses Nelson, Levi Hudson, Thomas Martin, of Snow Hill, Robert Smith, George
Rice, William
Stevenson, Joseph Stevenson, Ezekiel Wise and John Rock, and their successors,
to be elected as
herein after mentioned, with their minister for the time being, shall be,
and hereby are created and
declared to be, a body politic and corporate, by the name, style and title,
of the Committee of the
Presbyterian Church in Snow Hill, in Worcester County, and by the same
name shall have perpetual
succession, and shall be able to sue and be sued implead and impleaded,
in any court of law or
equity in this state, or elsewhere, and to make and have a common seal,
and the same to break, alter
or renew, at their pleasure, and also to ordain and establish such by-laws
and ordinances as shall appear
necessary for regulating the temporal concerns of the said church, and
for promoting literature
within the same, not being repugnant to this act or the laws of this
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the successors
of the present committee of the said church shall
be elected in the manner following, viz. THe members of the said
church, being twenty-one years of
age, holding a pew, or part of a pew therein, and not being in arrears
more than six months for the
same, may and shall meet at such place as may be appointed by the said
corporation, on the first Monday
of May in the year eighteen hundred and one, or on any other Monday of
the same month, and
they may and shall continue to meet in like manner on the first Monday
of May every third year, we
on any other Monday of the same month, whereof due notice shall be always
given by the president
of the said corporation for the time being in the forenoon of the Sunday
preceding the day of such
meeting, at the place where public worship is usually held, and then and
there they, or so many as
may attend, shall elect, viva voce, twelve members of the said church. |