1800. |
And made valid,
&c. |
the same would have been in if the said court had met on the said eleventh
day of February, and the
said judgments, rules, entries, acts, process and proceedings, had been
duly continued by regular
and lawful adjournments from time to time.
III. AND, whereas the justices of said court,
notwithstanding the discontinuance aforesaid, have
transacted the ordinary business of said court; therefore, BE IT ENACTED,
That all the judgments,
rules, entries, acts, process and proceedings, made and rendered by the
justices of said court since
the time aforesaid, either in cases then depending or since commenced,
shall be and the same are
hereby made as valid and effectual as if the said court had met at the
time to which the same stood
adjourned. |
Passed 19th of
Dec. 1800. |
An ACT to settle and ascertain the salary of the members of the
council for the ensuing year.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That each
member of the council shall be entitled
to receive, for the ensuing year, the sum of two hundred pounds current
money for his
salary. |
Passed 19th of
Dec. 1800.
An act repealed.
Clauses extended,
&c. |
An ACT to repeal an act, entitled, An act for the more effectual
preservation of the breed of wild deer in Somerset and
counties, so far as it respects the county of
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That an
act, entitled, An act for the more
effectual preservation of the breed of wild deer in Somerset and Dorchester
counties, passed at
the last session, be and the same is hereby repealed, so far as it respects
the county of Dorchester.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the first, second
and third clauses of an act, entitled, An act for
the preservation of wild deer, and for other purposes therein mentioned,
passed at November session,
seventeen hundred and eighty-nine, shall extend, and the same is hereby
extended, to Dorchester
county. |
Passed 19th of
Dec. 1800.
Road declared
public, &c. |
An ACT declaring a road or street leading from Reister's-town
turnpike road to intersect Howard-street
a public highway.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all
that road or street lying in the precincts
of the city of Baltimore, beginning at Reister's-town turnpike road at
or near the house
where Cornelius Gist now lives, and continuing on until it intersects Howard-street
at or near the
place where John Lynch now lives, shall be and is hereby declared a public
highway, and shall be
kept in repair as other public roads in said county. |
Passed 19th of
Dec. 1800. |
An ACT to extend the powers of the trustees of the poor of Caroline
WHEREAS William Cahall, of Caroline county, father of the herein after
named children
by his petition to this general assembly hath set forth, that he is advanced
to the age of fifty-nine
years, and his wife to the age of sixty-five; that they have had the misfortune
to have four
helpless children, neither of which have ever been able to dress or undress,
or even feed themselves,
being perfectly insane from their infancy; that the eldest is a male, by
the name of Solomon Cahall,
now thirty years of age, the two next eldest are females and twins, by
the names of Sarah Cahall
and Mary Cahall, now aged twenty-eight years, the fourth is also a female,
names Aimey Cahall,
now aged twenty-six years; that while himself and wife enjoyed youthful
health and strength, they
supported their unfortunate children by their labour and industry, but
being now grown old,
and their health and strength much impaired, they are not able to support
their helpless children as
heretofore, and having an aversion to putting their children into the poor-house,
on account of their
peculiar situation, where they would be deprived of the care and tenderness
of their father and mother,
be prayed an act might pass to provide for their future support out of
the poor-house, on account of their
facts stated in said petition being authenticated by the signature of a
number of respective inhabitants
of said county; therefore, |