VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November Session, 1800.
The engrossed bills from No. 1 to 77, inclusive,
except No. 11, 28, 54, 69 and 78, were read, assented to,
and sent to the senate, with the paper bills thereof, by the clerk.
The clerk of the senate delivers the engrossed bills
No. 11, 28, 54, 69 and 78, with the paper bills thereof;
which engrossed bills were severally endorsed; " By the senate, December
19, 1800: Read and assented to.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk."
The paper bills No. 11, 28, 54, 69 and 78, were sent
to the senate by the clerk.
The clerk of the senate delivers the resolution in favour
of the adjutant-general, and Thomas Wing, of Caroline
county, severally endorsed; " By the senate, December 18, 1800: Read
the first time and ordered to lie
" on the table.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, December 18, 1800: Read the second time by especial
order and assented to.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk."
The resolution in favour of James Lytle, endorsed; " By the senate, December
16, 1800: Read the first time
" and ordered to lie on the table.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, December 18, 1800: Read the second time and dissented
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk."
The resolution respecting William S. Bond, endorsed; " By the senate, December
12, 1800: Read the first time
" and ordered to lie on the table.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, December 18, 1800: Read the second time and dissented
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk."
The further supplement to the act for building a new gaol in Baltimore
county, the supplemental act to the act
to streighten and amend the post-road from Havre-de-Grace to Baltimore-town,
severally endorsed; " By the senate,
" December 18, 1800: Read the first time and ordered to lie on the
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, December 18, 1800: Read the second time by especial
order and will pass.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk."
Ordered to be engrossed.
The additional supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the establishment
and regulation of the levy courts in
the several counties of this state, endorsed; " By the senate, December
18, 1800: Read the first time and ordered
" to lie on the table.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, December 18, 1800: Read the second time by especial
order and will pass with the proposed
" amendments.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk."
Which amendments were read the first and second time,
agreed to, and the bill ordered to be engrossed.
The bill to empower the judges of the court of appeals to reinstate the
cause of Job Garretson against Richard
Cole, endorsed; " By the senate, December 17, 1800: Read the
first time and ordered to lie on the table.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, december 18, 1800: Read the second time by especial
order and will not pass.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk."
The resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution of the United
States, endorsed; " By the senate,
" December 10, 1800: Read the first time and ordered to lie on the
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, December 19, 1800: Read the second time and assented
to with the proposed amendments.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk."
Which amendments were read the first and second time
and agreed to.
The bill to regulate constables fees in the several counties therein mentioned,
endorsed; " By the senate, December
" 13, 1800: Read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.
" By the senate, December 13, 1800: Read the second time by especial
order and will not pass.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk."
The bill to rebuild the poor-house in Anne-Arundel county, and the following
BY the SENATE, December 18, 1800.
UPON reconsideration of the bill, entitled, An act to
rebuild the poor-house in Anne-Arundel county, the
senate cannot see the propriety of receding from their amendments, and
accordingly adhere to them, and hope
upon further reflection they will be adopted by you.
" By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.