VOTES and PROCEEDINGS, November Session, 1800.
The house appointed Mr. William Harwood, clerk, and
Mr. John Bowie Duckett, assistant clerk, ORDERED,
That they qualify as such, by taking the several oaths required, subscribing
a declaration of their belief in the
Christian religion, and by taking an oath, that they will honestly, faithfully
and diligently, discharge the office
of clerk and assistant clerk to the house of delegates, and that they will
not reveal or disclose the secrets thereof.
The house appointed Mr. Cornelius Mills, sergeant at
arms, and Mr. John Trueman, door-keeper. ORDERED,
That they be qualified.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Johnson and Mr. C. Frazier
wait upon his excellency the governor, and inform
him that this house is met, and are ready to proceed to public business,
and to receive any communications
he may think proper to lay before them.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Nelson, Mr. McPherson,
Mr. Johnson, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Worthington, Mr.
Edmondson and Mr. Chapman, be a committee to inspect and examine the returns
of elections, and report
whether they have been made agreeably to the constitution and form of government;
and that they have power
to send for persons, papers and records.
The house proceeded to ballot for a committee of claims,
and the ballots being deposited in the ballot box,
the gentlemen named to strike retired, and after some time reported, that
Mr. McPherson, Mr. McCulooch, Mr.
Hawkins, Mr. Harwood, Mr. Gunby, Mr. Lowrey and Mr. Chambers, were elected.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Chapman, Mr. Smith, of
Baltimore, Mr. Mercer, Mr. Leigh and Mr.
Montgomery, be a committee of grievances and courts of justice; and that
they have power to send for persons,
papers and records.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Nelson, Mr. Montgomery
and Mr. Stuart, be a committee to report such
rules as are proper to be observed during the session.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Harwood, Mr. Chapman, Mr.
Wilson, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Edmondson,
be a committee to inquire what laws have expired, or will expire during
this present session.
On motion, ORDERED, That Mr. Quynn inform the reverend
Mr. Wyatt, that the house request he will perform
divine service every morning at the meeting of the house.
A petition from Barton Whathen, of Charles county,
praying an act of insolvency, was preferred, read, and
referred to Mr. McPherson, Mr. Purnell, Mr. Beall, Mr. Cramphin, Mr.
Stansbury, Mr. Hawkins and Mr.
Sheredine, to consider and report thereon.
RESOLVED, That this house will sit, for the dispatch
of public business this session, from nine o' clock in the
morning till three o' clock in the evening.
The speaker laid before the house a letter from the
secretary of the senate of the United States, with the
journals of the senate; which was read.
The clerk of the senate delivers the following message:
BY the SENATE, November 4, 1800.
THE senate having a sufficient number of members to
compose a house, are ready to proceed to the business
of the session.
By order,
W. S. GREEN, clk.
Which was read.
The following message being prepared, was sent to the
senate by the clerk.
BY the HOUSE of DELEGATES, November 4, 1800.
YOUR message of this morning we have received; a quorum
of the house of delegates being also assembled,
we are ready to proceed to business. The time of sitting appointed
by us is from nine o' clock in the morning till
three o' clock in the afternoon.
By order,
W. HARWOOD, clk.
On motion, Leave given to bring in a bill to settle
and ascertain the salary of the members of the council for
the ensuing year. ORDERED, That Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Love and Mr.
Johnson, be a committee to prepare
and bring in the same.
The house proceeded to ballot for committee clerks,
and the ballots being deposited in the ballot box, the gentlemen
names to strike retired, and after some time reported, that Lewis Gassaway,
John S. Betton, Archibald
Golder, Joseph Harwood and Richard K. Watts, were elected. ORDERED,
That they be qualified.
The house adjourns till to-morrow morning 9 o' clock.
Y, November 5, 1800.
THE house met. Present the same members as
on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday were read.
Mr. Richard Pattison, a delegate returned for Dorchester county, Mr. Joseph
Douglass, a delegate returned
for Caroline county, Mr. Samuel Holbrook and Mr. Tubman Lowes, delegates
returned for Somerset county,
appeared, and after qualifying in the mode prescribed by the constitution
and form of government, and taking the
oath to support the constitution of the United States, took their seats
in the house.