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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1687-1689
Volume 91, Page 2   View pdf image (33K)
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and Lawfull men of yor: County aforesaid of all manner of felonies witchcrafts
signed inchantments Sorseries magick Arts Trespasses forestallings ingrossings & extortions
Henry Darmell whatsoever and of all and Singular other misdeeds and offences of wch: Justices of
keeper the peace in England may or ought lawfully to enquire by whomsever or whensoever
Done or perpetrated or which here after Shall happen to be don or perpetrated in y County
aforesaid against the Lawes & orders of or: said Province Provided you proceed not in any
of y Cases aforesaid to take life or member but that in every Such Case you Send the
Prissoners with theire inditements and the whole matter depending before you to
y next Pro:all Court to be holden for or: Said Province whensoever & wheresoever to be hold-
there to be tryed And further wee doe hereby Authorize you to issue writts processe arrests
and attachments to hold plea of oyer and terminer and after Judgemt: execucon to ac-a-
in all Causes Civill whether in actions reall or personall according to the Lawes orders
and reasonable Customes made & used in or: said Province of Mariland in wch: Causes Civill
soe to be tryed wee doe Constitute ordeyne & appointe you to be Judges as aforesaid unless
Some one of or: Councell be then in Court and therefore wee Comand you yt: you deligently
Intend the keeping of the Peace Lawes and orders and all & Singular other the premisses
at Certaine Dayes appointed according to Act of assembly in that Case provided and Such
place wch: or any five or more of you as aforesaid Shall in that behalfe appointe you ma-
inquire upon the premisses and performe & full the Same in forme aforesaid doeing
therein wch: to Justice appertaineth according to the Lawes orders & reasonable Customes
of or: said Province Saveing to us the Amercemts: and othings thereof to us belonging
And wee therefore Comand the Sherife of the sd: County of Somr:set by vertue of these
presents that at the dayes & places aforesaid which you or any Such five or more (of)
you as aforesaid Such & So many good and Lawfull men of yor: baliwick County by
whome the truth in the premisses may be the better knowne and enquire of And further
you Shall Cause to be brought before you at the Dayes & places the writts precepts process
and inditemts: to your Said Court and Jurisdiction belonging that the Same may be
inspected and by a due Course determined as aforesaid Given at or: Citty of St: Maries undr
the great Seale of or: said Province of Maryland this thirtyeth day of September in the 12th:
year of our Dominion &c Annoq: Domini 1687 / ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Comission for Tryall of Causes
Charles absolute Lord & propry: of the Provinces of Maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of
Baltemore &c To Collo: William Colebourne, Capta: David Browne: Capt: John Winder
mr: William Brereton: mr: Robert King: mr: James Dashiell: mr: Roger Wollend: mr:
Thomas Newbold mr: James Round: Capta: Stephen Luffe: mr: Edmund Howard: mr:
Samuell Hopkins: mr: Edward Day: mr: Thomas Jones: and mr: William Jones of y
Signed County of Somerset gentl: Greeting in or: Lord God Everlasting Know Yee That wee
Henry Darnell Considering with or: Selves That as or: Province depends wholy upon Trade and that
keeper wee have not as yett money Come amongst the People here inhabiting to Carry out
trade soe that the plantr: and Mr:chant are forsed to make many Debts which Causeth
many Suites at Law as alsoe Speedy Justice may be done betweene parties & parties
wee have assigned you the said Collo: William Colebourne Capta: David Browne -
Capta: John Winder: mr: William Brereton: mr: Robert King mr: James Dashiell : mr: Roger
Wollend: mr: Thomas Newbold: mr: James Round: Capta: Stephen Luffe: mr: Edmund
Howard: mr: Samuell Hopkins: mr: Edward Day: mr: Thomas Jones: & mr: Wm: Jones
or any five or more of you whereof you: the said Collo: William Colebourne: Captaine David

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1687-1689
Volume 91, Page 2   View pdf image (33K)
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