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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 90   View pdf image (33K)
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The Same Day Commrs: as afore
James Cerill plt: James Cerill plt: appeares the deft: John Hilliard being called
vers 3 times doth not appeare the plt: desires his declaracon may
John Hilliard deft: be read saying that the deft: hath absented himselfe from
in an accon of Defa Justice the writt being returned by the Sheriffe n: est Invts:
macon on y Case
The Complainte of James Cerill against John Hilliard in
An Accon of defamacon on the Case
Humbly sheweth
That some time in the month of Janr: 1671 the said Cerill being
at the house of William Stevens esqr: the said Cerill meeting
with the abovesaid Hilliard demanding of him the payment
of one Thousand pounds of tobacco dew to the said Cerill by
one obligacon under the hand and Seale of one George Eaves
deseased he the said Hilliard promising to pay the same
in the life time of the abovesaid George Eaves as I Shall
here make appeare in open Cort: the said Hilliard did
then and there in presents of severall persons of quality
tax the above said Cerill that he the said Cerill had
forged A bill of one thousand pounds of tobacco in the name
of the above exprest George Eaves; or to that effect which
tobacco is Justly dew to y said Cerill and the Consideracon
delivered to the abovesaid George Eaves and the said Hilliard
hath made Sale of the same Since the Death of the said
George Eaves unto John Williams of the same County
which scandelous and unhandsome expressions of the above
said Hilliard hath bine much to the Injury of the said
Cerill his profession Consisting much in Marchandize
That thereby such A report may be the utter ruine of his

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 90   View pdf image (33K)
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