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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 88   View pdf image (33K)
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This ffoll Speciallty was read
This bill bindeth me George Eves me my heires executors: admrs:
or assignes to pay or Cause to be paid unto James Cerill his
heires executors: and assignes in Virginia At the plantacon
of mr: John Renneys the Just summe of one thousand pounds of
good marchantable tobacco in Caske it being for two Cowes and
two Calves received from Jarman Gillett as wittnes my hand
and Seale this 30th: of october 1671 ~ ~ ~
Wittnes George Eves And A
John Vigerons Seale
Edw: Wale ~
The plt: desires that the Deposicon of Jarman Gilliot
might be read vizt: ~ ~ ~ ~
The Deposicon of Jarman Gilliott aged 50 years or thereabouts
sworne and Saith that some time in the month of october last past
George Eves deceased did buy of the said Gilliott two Cowes and
two Calves for which he gave the said Gilliott for the same
one thousand and fifty pounds of tobacco the fifty pounds of tobacco
was Spent in wine and the other Thousand pounds of tobacco
George Eves did pay for me to James Cerill for which he past
his bill unto the said Cerill for the same and I did see
Doctor John Vigerons and mr: Edward Whealey at the same
time Sett their hands as wittnesses to the said bill I being
indebted to the said Cerill he gave me a receipt for y thousand
pounds of tobacco and am very Shure that John Hillard did
know of the same for that John Hillard before that George
Eves went home did proffer Severall times the abovesaid
Cattle in exchange of A horsse with John Patrike & must need
be sencible of the same because that the Deponant bought

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 88   View pdf image (33K)
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