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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 568   View pdf image (33K)
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John Dormans horsse Came into his wheate and I did -
which was about the first of May and afterward he desired
me againe to give him notice and I did againe and he -
said he woulld take a Course with him and afterward I See
the horsse in the wheate and I and Richard Stevens woulld
have Catch him but wee Coulld not and if we Coulld have
Catch him by his request I woulld have rode him to John
Dormans house Soe farr and further saith not
Sworne in Cort: the 14th: day of Septembr: Ao:Do: 1675
on the Part of Richard Stevens deft: Against John
Dorman plt: in a plea of Trespas ; / ; ~ ~
Teste Edm: Beauchamp Cler Cur
The Deposicon of Phillip Askewe aged thirty three
or thereabouts ; / ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Saith That I went to Richard Stevens about Sunsett or
thereabouts I went there for plants I see Richard Stevens
A Leading of his mare in the Corne feilld and John Dormans
horsse afollowing of her and he Called to some of his folkes
and there Came as I take it William Arundalls sonne and
Lead his mare into the tobacco house and the horsse ffollowed
her and Richard Stevens Came to the folkes and spoke to
Edward Southren his boy to goe home and hollowe over
the Creeke to John Dormans to tell him to fetch home his
horsse soe farr I say and further saith not ; / ; ~ ~ ~
sworne in Cort: the 14th: Sept: Ao:Do: 1675 on y part of Richard Stevens deft:
agt: John Dorman plt: in a plea of Trespas: Teste Edm: Beauchamp Cler Cur

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Somerset County Judicial Records, 1671-1675
Volume 87, Page 568   View pdf image (33K)
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