Thomas Holbrooke, Richard Ackworth William
Bradshawe, David Williamson, George Betts, Robert
Cattlin Senior, Andrewe Whittington; John
King of Manoakin Phillip Berre Morris Liston
Benjamine Cottman and John Dorman Cooper
who to say the truth being summoned Impannelled
and sworne upon their oathes say they Doe finde
for the Defendant; And thereupon the said John
Hillyard by his Attourney Henry Smith appeales
to the honr:ble Justices of the Provincial Courte -
Therefore This Cort: orders that the proseedings here in
this Cort: be drawne up and Sent over to the honr:ble
Justices of the Provincial Cort: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
At A County Cort: helld y 8th: September in ye 43th: yeare of ye
Dominion of the Rt: honr:ble Caecilius &c Annoq Domini 1674
before his Lopps: Justices thereunto Assigned and Authorised
mr: William Stevens
mr: John Winder . . . : mr: Nicholas Rice
Present mr: Charles Ballard . . : mr: James Dasheill Commrs:
mr: David Browne . . : mr: Edward Smith
Randall Revell plt: Henry Smith pro plt:
George Johnson deft: William Tompson pro deft:
Sommersett Ss Randall Revell declareth against mr: George
Johnson Justice of the peace for Sommersett
County In an accon of Trespas upon the Case
And the said Randall by his Attourney Henry Smith