And was agoeing to Strike the King, I Came to Robert
Millnor and prayed him not to abuse the king notwithstanding
he makeing towards the King I keeping him from ye King I
Charged him in the Lord Proprietaries name to keepe the
peace, Then he the said Robert Millnor Stroke at me, and
made the blood run Downe my face, Then the king asked
me whether he shoulld not Pocketohamine, as much as
to say shall I not fight him, I told him, no, But it was
the English manner to redress such things at the (n--ly)
matchecomica; and upon that the King Seased and Cryed
that I woulld not let him fall on ; / ; ~ ~ ~ ~
mr: George Johnson Justice of the peace Geo: Johnson
for Somersett County in open Cort: the 19th: day
of Augst: 1673 made oath to the abovesaid upon
the holy Evangelist ~ ~ ~
The Declaracon of Tho: Price y 19th: Augst: 1673 in open Cort:
saith Robt Millnor was at my house in A Little roome with Henry
Bostons wife that is now; The Indian King Standing at y Doore
askeing the woman for A bitt of tape I thinke to tye in his
haire and at Length Robert Millnor said you Dog Stand
away he woulld be fowle of him the King hearing him
call king Dog he went up and downe keeping A Clash-
King Dog Robert Millnor Came out with a bulls pizle
to Strike him George Johnson Stept betweene & said
prethy Robbin Don't Strike the King and upon that
presently Stroke George in the face yt: the blood run downe