And Province aforesaid negro, To be my true and
Lawfull Attorney and Deputy for me and in my name
But to my owne proper use and behoofe to aske Demand
require recover and receive by order of Lawe or otherwise
all such summe or summes of money tobacco Porke or
any other Comodities or marchandizes whatsoever as doe
or may appeare to be due to me by booke bill bond or
any other specialty or specialtyes from all or any person
or persons now Inhabiting or Dwelling or that Shall here
after Come to Inhabite or dwell in any of the parts of the
Province of Maryland or in the Collony of Virginia, And
in my name and to my proper use and behoofe as aforesaid
to sue persue arrest Implead or Imprison all or any person
or persons soe Indebted to me, and in my name to Implore
Lawe and obtaine ayde favour Justice Judgement and execucon
And if he shall see fitt from prison and execucon to
to Deliver And in my name to appeare in all Corts: and
places my person to represent and Acquittances or other
Lawfull Discharge or Discharges in my name to signe
seale and Deliver, and to Doe all things as I my selfe might
Doe (in the premisses) if personally present, Ratiefieing for
firme good and effectuall and of full power and force,
whatsoever my said Attorney shall Doe or Cause to be don
in the premisses; And Doe further by these presents Revoke
and recall all other Letters of attorneys that hath gonne