( 5 Maryland; in which Cause Civill Soe to be tryed we doe Constitute
ordaine and appointe you Stephen Horsey, William Stevens John White Henry
Smith and James Weedon to be Judges as aforesaid; unlesse some
one of our Councell be then in Cort: and therefore we Command
you that you diligently intend the keeping of the peace Lawes
and orders; and all and Singular other the premises and at
Certaine Dayes appointed according to Act of Assembly in
that Case provided, and such places which you or any four
or more of you as aforesaid Shall in that behalfe appointe you
make enquires upon the premises, and pforme and fullfill
the same in forme aforesaid; doeing therein that which to
Justice appertaineth according to the Lawes orders and reas
sonable Customes of this our province, saving to us the
Amerciaments and other things thereof to us belonging And
therefore we Command the Sherrife of the Said County of Sommersett
by vertue of these presents that at the dayes and places aforesaid
which you or any Such foure or more of you as aforesaid such
and Soe many good & Lawfull men of your County by whome the
truth in the premises may the better be knowne and enquired
And lastly wee have appointed Edmund Beauchamp Clerke and
Keeper of the records and proceedings in this your County Cort:
And therefore you Shall Cause to be brought before you at the said
dayes and place; the writts precepts processe and Indictments
to your Court and Juridiccon belonging; that the same may be
inspected and by a due Course determined as aforesaid, Given at our
Citty of St Maryes under our great Seale of our said province of
Maryland the ninth day of ffebruary in the eight and thirtyeth
year of our dominion over our Said Province and in the year of
our Lord one thousand Six hundred Sixty nine ; / ; Philllip Calvert
William Calvert