50/Constitutional Commission and Convention
of all committees. The president appointed and assigned duties to all employees of
the convention, including committee staffs with the consent of the chairman of each
such committee. All officers and employees were under the general supervision of
the president. The first and second vice-presidents performed the usual duties of
vice-presidents as specified in the convention rules. In addition, each of them per-
formed important liaison functions to the committees and other duties as assigned
by the president. For example, the first vice-president was responsible for arranging
and scheduling the appearance of members of the clergy to officiate at opening cere-
monies of each daily session of the convention.
The convention rules prescribed eight primary or substantive committees and
three secondary or procedural committees. The primary committees were on per-
sonal rights and the preamble; suffrage and elections; the legislative branch; the
executive branch; the judicial branch; local government; state finance and taxation;
and general provisions. Each delegate served on one primary committee unless he or
she declined the opportunity. These committees held hearings and prepared recom-
mendations to the convention. The procedural committees were on style, drafting,
and arrangement; calendar and agenda; and rules, credentials, and convention
budget. In addition, committees on public information and entertainment were
organized. All meetings of the convention and its committees were open to the
The Committee on Personal Rights and the Preamble was assigned responsi-
bility for the preamble of the constitution and constitutional provisions involving
individual rights of citizens. The Committee on Suffrage and Elections considered
constitutional provisions dealing with voting and elections. The Committee on the
Legislative Branch considered constitutional provisions dealing with the state legis-
lature. The Committee on the Executive Branch considered constitutional provisions
dealing with the state executive departments. The Committee on the Judicial Branch
considered constitutional provisions dealing with the state court system. The Com-
mittee on Local Government considered constitutional provisions dealing with
county and municipal governments. The Committee on State Finance and Taxation
considered constitutional provisions dealing with taxes, other state income, and dis-
bursement of state monies. The Committee on General Provisions handled all mis-
cellaneous constitutional questions not clearly assignable to other committees. These
included militia, oaths, natural resources, education, consumer protection, federal
enclaves, constitutional revision and amendments, common law, impeachment,
separation of powers, and transitional provisions assuming approval of the pro-
posed constitution.
The Committee on Style, Drafting, and Arrangement dealt with drafting style
and arrangement of the sections of the proposed constitution so that an integrated
document could be produced. The Committee on Calendar and Agenda assisted the
president in organizing and controlling the conduct of business in the convention. It
assigned general orders, prepared the calendar and agenda, and scheduled debate.
The Committee on Rules, Credentials, and Convention Budget processed amend-
ments to the standing rules that had been drafted by a temporary rules committee.
The permanent committee also presented to the convention the budget prepared by
the president.
The Committee on Entertainment planned official entertainment for the con-