nominating commission. 1073: attorney
1590: referendum. 701-702: schedule of
general, 1326-1338, 2113; Board of Pub-
elections, 1993-1994; superior court func-
lic Works, 1250; composition of General
tional divisions, 915; transcript of Gen-
Assembly, 541; consumer protection,
eral Assembly proceedings, 3008-3009,
1224; court structure, 895; delegate dis-
3087-3088; vote required for bill passage,
tricts, 580; judicial nominating commis-
sions, 1099-1100; juries in criminal cases,
Miller, Del. Edward T., referendum, 700
2448-2449; legislator residency require-
Mitchell, Del. Juanita Jackson, attorney
ment, 608; residency requirement for
general, 1345-1346; bail, 2255; closing re-
judges, 1016-1017; state's attorney, 2976
marks, 3433; collective bargaining, 2308-
Mason, Rev. John, invocation, 527
2309, 2921-2922, 3053-3054, 3300; com-
Maurer, Del. Lucille, Board of Public
position of General Assembly, 524-525,
Works, 1245; civil service, 1514-1516,
538; discrimination, 2153-2164, 2174;
1518; collective bargaining, 2322; comp-
district court commissioners, 939-940;
troller, 1276, 1289; executive branch re-
economic opportunity, 2427-2430, 2432;
organization, 1460-1465, 1472-1473,
election of General Assembly officers,
1476-1480, 1483, 1489-1490; freedom of
3004; eminent domain, 3239-3240; equal
information, 2483; local school boards,
opportunity in education, 2544-2545;
2551; public education laws, 3122; state
freedom of information, 2484-2485; gov-
superintendent, 2535
ernor's salary, 3262; gubernatorial ap-
Mentzer, Del. Margaret B., Board of Pub-
pointment of judges, 1049, 1054-1055,
lic Works, 1440; comptroller, 1428-1429;
1058; lawyer poll on judges, 1144, 1147;
constitutional conventions, 3156; con-
judicial appointments, 1042; jury trials,
sumer protection, 1222; enactment of
2234; length of General Assembly ses-
laws, 3100; juries in criminal cases, 2446;
sions, 629; municipal elections, 1941;
length of General Assembly sessions,
nomination as second vice president, 37;
632-633; loan of state credit, 1814-1815;
right of removal in civil cases, 2412-2413;
local government power to tax, 822; lot-
sex discrimination, 2176-2177; term of
teries, 1715-1716; municipal elections,
appellate judges, 1107-1108; transcript of
1939; natural resources, 3362-3363; pub-
General Assembly proceedings, 3009;
lic education laws, 3121-3122; state in-
voting age, 1910-1911
debtedness, 1806-1807, 1812; unicameral
Mitzel, Rev. Robert E., invocation, 245
legislature, 452
Moeller, Rev. George B., invocation, 214
Merit system. See Civil service
Morgan, Del. Gerald D., assessment of
Migliorini, Rev. William G., invocation,
farm land, 1790; attorney general, 1325-
1326, 2067-2083, 2087-2088, 2090, 2097,
Militia, 321-355
2100-2101, 2107, 2112, 2962; Board of
Miller, Del. Beatrice, assessment of farm
Public Works, 1294, 1317-1323, 1432-
land, 1783-1784; budget bill, 1867; collec-
1438, 1442, 1445-1446, 2967; budget bill,
tive bargaining, 2298, 2321-2322, 2921,
1869; civil service, 1514-1515, 1517;
3048, 3297-3298; composition of General
comptroller, 1359, 1415-1416, 1418,
Assembly, 495, 510-511, 524, 541-542;
1447-1448, 2963; counsel to governor,
consumer protection, 1212, 1223-1224;
2095; election of lieutenant governor,
economic opportunity, 2440, 2907-2908;
3361; executive branch, 1229-1233, 1246-
election of General Assembly officers,
1247, 1250, 1366-1398; executive branch
1598; equal opportunity in education,
department heads, 1532; executive
2545-2546; gubernatorial appointment of
branch reorganization, 1462-1467, 1472,
judges, 1075-1076; impeachment, 2622;
1476, 1488-1490, 1492-1493, 1495-1499,
judicial nominating commissions, 2792;
1511; governor's power to secure infor-
lawyer poll on judges, 1114; legislator
mation, 1538; governor's salary, 3262;
residency requirement, 607; length of
gubernatorial appointments, 1519-1521,
General Assembly sessions, 631; munici-
2970; gubernatorial veto, 1449-1456; in-
pal charters, 3275; non-voting legislative
terim appointments, 2973; lieutenant
agents, 593; redistricting commission,
governor, 1414, 1499-1507, 1527-1528,