- A-
Appropriation bills, supplementary, 1595-
Abramson, Del. Murray, nomination of
Appropriations. See Budget, State
Convention officers, 23; nomination of
Archives, State. See Hall of Records
second vice president, 36
Armor, Del. G. Maxwell, Jr., comptroller,
Accused persons, rights of, 2060, 2118-
1286; juries in criminal cases, 2689
2119, 2130-2134, 2194-2206, 2209-2242,
Arnold, Rev. Howard S , convocation,
2247-2250, 2257-2268, 2341-2343
Adjutant general, 321, 328-330
Assembly, right of, 2058
Adler, Rabbi Leon, invocation, 2638
Assessments, 1734-1746, 1749-1791; on ag-
Adkins, Del. E. Dale, Jr., assessment of
ricultural land, 1735-1737, 1778-1790,
farm land, 1785, 2853; budget bill, 1858,
2843-2859, 2869-2872
1864; closing remarks, 3432; collective
Attainder, 2061
bargaining, 3046-3049; composition of
Attorney, State's. See State's Attorney
General Assembly, 488-490, 519; comp-
Attorney General, 1325-1338; 1341-1355,
troller, 1264-1274, 1281-1282, 1290-1291,
2067-2118; election and term, 1399-1402,
1425-1426; Court of Appeals judges, 907;
debate schedule, 408; district court, 972,
Audits, 376-381
economic opportunity, 2435-2436; edu-
cation, 3133, eminent domain, 2326,
2329, 2900-2901; executive branch reor-
ganization, 1468-1469, 1493, 1496; judi-
Bail, 2209-2229, 2251-2257, 2927-2932
cial nominating commissions, 1043,
Baltimore & Ohio Railroad charter, 2649-
1088-1089; lawyer poll on judges, 1120;
2657, 2667-2674, 3174-3176, 3363-3366
legislative districts, 1604-1608, 3073-
Bamberger, Del. E. Clinton, Jr., appellate
3074; length of General Assembly ses-
courts nominating commission, 1069-
sions, 628-629; natural resources, 753-
1070; attorney general, 1342-1343, 1400,
755; oaths, 2368-2369; post-audits, 380;
2104-2108; bail, 2224-2225; bonding for
presiding officer of Senate, 2958-2959;
officeholders, 2829; budget bill, 1852-
removal of public officers, 2628; rights of
1853, 1861-1862; collective bargaining,
accused persons, 2202-2203, 2205; treas-
3044-3045, compensation of state offi-
urer, 1303-1304, 1312
cers, 1870-1876; composition of General
Agnew, Gov. Spiro T , address to Conven-
Assembly, 492, 529-530, 534; counsel to
tion, 171-176; letter to Convention, 3-5,
governor, 2095-2096; court structure,
3423; statement on comptroller reported,
897-898, 901-902; disqualification from
voting, 2028-2035; economic opportun-
Agricultural land use, 2843-2859, 2869-2872
ity, 2438; eminent domain, 2333-2334;
Amendments to Constitution, 2583-2591
equal opportunity in education, 2540;
Amoss, Rev. Howard M , invocation, 2563
grand juries, 2694-2695; gubernatorial
Anderson, Del Marvin I , appointment of
appointment of judges, 1058; impeach-
committee members, 13; district court
ment, 2623, 2631; judicial appointments,
commissioners, 947-948; eminent do-
1035-1036; jury trials, 2241-2242, 2261-
main, 2332, 2901-2902; juries in criminal
2262; lawyer poll on judges, 1141-1144,
cases, 2448; local government, 816,
1146, 2792-2793, 2795; lotteries, 3381,
referendum, 663; separation of powers,
militia, 331-333, 335; municipal elec-
2354, 2636
tions, 1945-1947; non-voting legislative
Appellate Courts Nominating Commis-
agents, 592; plural officeholdmg, 2379;
sion, 2773-2778
pre-trial release, 2932; property qualifica-
Apportionment See Congressional dis-
tions for voting and officeholdmg, 2832;
tricts; Legislative districts; Legislative re-
public voting in General Assembly, 1632,
residency requirements for voting, 2022;