to identity individuals and their positions or roles during Mr. Agnew's
service as Governor. He also noted those who had assisted him in this
effort. Mr. Paul E. Krieger began preliminary work on the index, and
Miss Maureen Eby carefully checked names of many persons and orga-
nizations. To Miss Grace Janelle Sherfy, who developed the index with
resourceful diligence, belongs principal credit for its final arrange-
ment and content.
Special appreciation is also due to the many Maryland officials who
were consulted about details which added to the accuracy of the infor-
mation in the index. Their assistance was especially helpful.
To officials of the University of Maryland, particular thanks is due
for their willingness again to support and assist the State in this second
effort to publish the papers of the Governors of Maryland and, spe-
cifically for their invaluable support to Dr. Burdette in this endeavor.
Others whose assistance in this effort deserves attention are Mrs.
Cecile W. Preble and Mrs. Deanna Bryan Harvey, both of whom spent
many hours in the organization and proof reading of materials as
these moved through the various stages of the editing and printing
process; Mr. Herbert L. Thompson and Mr. John E. Surrick, press
officers to Governor Agnew, who assisted Dr. Burdette in the location
and identification of documents, tapes and related materials; and Mr.
Robin Zee, Director, Office of Central Services, Department of General
Services, whose assistance added measurably to the physical quality
and appearance of these volumes.
The task of completing this preface was one which I assumed, having
been a member of Governor Agnew's staff and having been associated
for many years with Dr. Burdette as student, colleague and friend.
Special Note:
This work having been interrupted as it was in the closing lines of
its completion, I wish to express my warm appreciation to Dr. Jean E.
Spencer, Associate Executive Director of the Board of Trustees of the
State Colleges of Maryland, for her cooperation and loyal support
which were invaluable throughout the preparation of these volumes.
For her willingness to write this preface, I am especially grateful.