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Executive Records, Governor Spiro T. Agnew, 1967-1969
Volume 83, Page 983   View pdf image (33K)
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ward. We may transform our emphasis from crime control to crime

In the next hours, you will be asked to identify areas for citizen in-
volvement, to propose private projects for crime prevention, to set
priorities in programs. These are demanding challenges but no less
demanding than the grave dimensions of the problems confronting
all of us. Certainly, we all recognize that we cannot deny the prob-
lem exists or delay measures to resolve it. We cannot abdicate our
responsibilities as private citizens to public officials. Thus, the only
alternative becomes one of total community involvement. This means
cooperation with our police and voluntary projects in multiple re-
lated fields.

Government cannot be stronger than its people. It cannot be more
committed to a cause than its citizens. This is the triumph and the
challenge of democracy. Right now we are challenged by lawlessness
of unprecedented proportions. Our triumph depends on the deter-
mination and dedication of individual citizens acting in concert.

It is my hope that Maryland's private crime prevention crusade,
like Maryland's Commission on Law Enforcement and the Adminis-
tration of Justice's crime control plan, will become a model for all
other States to follow. I salute you and wish you the greatest success.

November 26, 1968

My recent election as Vice President of the United States has raised
questions about when I will resign as Governor of Maryland so that
a successor may be chosen for the remainder of the four-year term to
which I was elected in 1966.

Of paramount importance is an orderly, intelligent transfer of the
Governorship, with the least interruption and disruption that these
unprecedented circumstances will permit. This is my goal and to
attain it I must first complete the affairs of the present administra-
tion in a manner which will provide the greatest assistance to my

The time required to achieve this objective will necessitate that I
remain in office at least until January 1, 1969. It is possible that my


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Executive Records, Governor Spiro T. Agnew, 1967-1969
Volume 83, Page 983   View pdf image (33K)
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