The "adopt-a-cop" plan could do the same thing in our own com-
munities. Naturally funds would not be required. But the purpose
would be the same, to promote friendship and understanding with
local law enforcement officers. Perhaps the students of each school
could adopt their own police officer and he could adopt them. They
could meet regularly and informally to discuss problems of mutual
interest. And by developing a truly personal, one-to-one relationship
a deeper, more meaningful understanding on the part of both could
be achieved.
Three. Sponsor a Law Enforcement Club or program within your
school and make it swing. Plan programs that are controversial with
plenty of opportunity for student participation. Interest and involve-
ment are the keys to any successful venture.
Actually there is no area of public service which is more fascinating
than law enforcement and, while Maryland's police work may not
come up to Mission Impossible standards, there's plenty of adventure
within the realm of reality.
Four. Concentrate your efforts where you can be most effective.
According to law enforcement experts, there are three principal areas
involving youth. These are crime, riots, and revolution on the campus.
Center your discussion on these so that you may assist your police
and your classmates in understanding the nature and causes of these
Five. Initiate self-help programs and cross-community dialogue.
And do it yourself! Nothing planned for you is ever as gratifying or
as satisfying as that which you do for yourself. Only you can deter-
mine what goals you want to achieve and, in the last analysis, only
you can achieve them.
You know that much crime is caused by economic deprivation,
much rage from blind prejudice and misunderstanding. You can form
Service Squads to ease the pain of poverty, to overcome misunderstand-
ing through contact and communication. Perhaps you can help others
as they help themselves in neighborhood improvement projects. Per-
haps your school's Service Squad can help to paint a house, build a
bookcase or clear a cluttered vacant lot. Granted it takes time and
talent and initiative — but if you're ever going to take on the problems
of the world, and one day you must, this is a good way to begin.
Cross-community dialogue is equally important and you have the
nucleus to organize such a venture in the Maryland Association of