May 7, 1968
For two years now, the Maryland Legislature has considered legis-
lation which would liberalize our present abortion law. At both of
these sessions, I have fully endorsed the efforts of Delegate Alien
Spector of Baltimore City to amend the current law.
I am pleased today to sign this legislation sponsored by Delegate
Spector, House Bill 88. It places this question where it belongs,
squarely before the medical profession, and it is significant to me that
the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, the governing and
licensing body of our doctors, strongly endorses this measure.
I understand and appreciate the concern of certain religious groups
over possible abuses of the act, and I agree that unborn citizens have
rights. But I frankly believe that the physician, faced with a medical
decision for which he is highly trained and qualified, is the only one
fully qualified to make this judgment.
May 7, 1968
Honorable William S. James
President of the Senate
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. President:
In accordance with Section 17 of Article II of the Maryland Con-
stitution, I have vetoed today Senate Bill 1 and am returning it to you.
This bill would make changes in the law relating to the assessment
of land for farm and agricultural use. It would also set forth criteria
which, when met, would cause the loss of the preferential assessment
without consideration of additional factors.
I am well aware of the purpose for which the preferential farm as-
sessment was established and am equally cognizant of the loss of
revenue to the State and its subdivisions.
In examining the effect this bill would have, the problem must not
be viewed from the narrow base of additional revenue which could