The proposed Constitution is a clear, concise statement of principle,
combining great traditions of the past with sound, operational pro-
visions for the present and the future.
The new Constitution strengthens and streamlines all branches of
State government, while protecting and even enlarging upon the rights
of the people. It creates a foundation for efficient administration, ef-
fective legislation and the competent nonpolitical administration of
justice. It assures that the government of Maryland can act swiftly and
more economically in response to present and emerging needs. By
enlarging the authority of local government, it will enhance the
quality of government at all levels.
Marylanders can take justifiable pride in its progress toward Con-
stitutional reform that has drawn the admiring attention of the na-
This document is the product of more than two years of diligent
work by a nonpartisan study commission and a Statewide convention
of elected delegates. The delegates, chosen on a nonpartisan basis, had
distinguished accomplishments in many fields and were dedicated in
seeking to create a more perfect government in their four-month task.
We think it is highly significant that they approved the new Constitu-
tion on January 10th by an overwhelming vote of 133 to 3 (with four
abstaining and two absent).
The final and ultimate step in the process of Constitutional reform
comes on May 14th.
We urge that you not allow this opportunity of a century to pass,
that you turn out in large numbers and vote for this significant step
forward in the history of our State.
Governor Agnew: Any statements by — Judge, would you care to
add any comment?
Judge Hammond: I think not, Governor.
Governor: Senator?
Senator James: Governor, I would simply like to add that Senate
Majority Leader Harry Hughes and Senate Minority Leader Edward
T. Hall have authorized me to say that they concur in this position.
Governor: Very good.
Speaker Mandel: I think the statement that the Governor has made
is all-encompassing and speaks for all of us, and I don't think that
there is anything more that I can add.
Governor: Thank you, gentlemen.