Questions and Answers
Q. Governor, you said that you were working all week to reopen
communications. Have you set up another meeting with a group of
Negro leaders?
A. There are many meetings that have been set and I don't want
to go into the definition of each one at this point, but obviously there
has been no breakdown in communications.
Q. Governor, if you had it to do over again would you have done
it the same way?
A. I think the statement speaks for itself. I'll have to stand on the
Q. That is, holding the meeting the way you did?
A. I won't comment outside the statement.
Q. Governor, in light of the favorable response and telegrams, do
you still consider this a suicidal decision you have made?
A. I have no further comment beyond the statement I have just made
on the subject.
(Bowie State College)
Q. Turning to another subject, Governor. You met for two hours
with Bowie State College students. Could you tell us about the results
of that meeting?
A. Well, I was greatly encouraged with the meeting. We had a very
fine discussion of the problems that face the college and I think there
was a great recognition on the part of the students that much of what
hasn't been accomplished has not been because of the lack of ap-
propriated money, but because of the lack of efficient use of what's
been appropriated. Now this is not to indicate by any stretch of the
imagination that there haven't been years and years of neglect of this
institution. We are taking steps to correct these conditions as quickly
as we can. Mr. Mester, the new Executive Secretary of the Board of
State College Trustees, is working very closely with the students and
with Dr. Myers and the faculty. I have made arrangements for him to
keep in almost constant communication with the students so that
they will be apprised of the progress that's being made.
Q. Will emergency funds be available for Bowie State?
A. As of the moment the funds that we have earmarked for Bowie
State are no different than the ones that were earmarked at the time
the troubles began — the $335, 000 of money already appropriated that