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Executive Records, Governor Spiro T. Agnew, 1967-1969
Volume 83, Page 587   View pdf image (33K)
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Business Tax Reform — A readjustment of business taxes to elimi-
nate certain nuisance-type taxes and achieve greater equity at no
overall increase in tax revenue. The specific proposals are being de-
veloped by the joint legislative-executive committee headed by
Senator Harry R. Hughes.

Capital Punishment — Legislation to abolish the death penalty for
all first offenses in capital cases; increase from 15 years to 20 years
the mandatory time a person must serve before consideration tor
parole in life imprisonment cases; empower the courts to assess the
death penalty in cases where a second capital offense has been com-
mitted while serving, after escape, or on parole from a previous
capital offense.

Civil Disorders — Legislation to authorize the Governor to declare
a state of emergency and promulgate reasonable rules, regulations and
orders for areas designated.

Regional Detention Centers — Legislation to authorize establish-
ment of such centers as a replacement for outmoded county jails; al-
low the State to match on a 50-50 basis funds for construction and
staffing; and assign the State the same responsibility for inspection
that it now has for jails.

Highway Safety — A comprehensive program that will include leg-
islation to require chemical tests in arrests for drunken driving (the
implied consent bill); re-examination of all drivers every four years;
improvement of traffic court operations, practices and procedures;
and other measures.

Drug Control — Legislation to regulate and control the manu-
facture, distribution, delivery and possession of depressants, stimulants
and other drugs which have a potential for abuse.

Task Force Recommendations — A package of proposals to improve
efficiency and economy in the State government, originating from
studies of the Governor's Task Force on Modern Management

Legislative Council — The Governor also will actively support, as
part of the overall administration program, a number of measures
from the Legislative Council. Included among these will be the bill
providing for State acquisition of Friendship Airport from Baltimore
City. Details are now being worked out by a committee including
representatives of the Legislature, the Governor and the Mayor of


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Executive Records, Governor Spiro T. Agnew, 1967-1969
Volume 83, Page 587   View pdf image (33K)
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