Q. Governor, several weeks ago Mr. Holmes of Prince George's
County outlined a number of accusations he had against the Maryland
National Capital Park and Planning Commission's suburban work in
the area. Have you received any reports on that? If so, what?
A. I have not received a report on that, no.
Q. Governor, what was your reaction when you found Senator Rob-
ert Kennedy getting your reserved parking space at the Baltimore
Colts' game?
A. Well, I didn't have a specifically designated parking space, but
I have to admit it shook me a little bit to find out that I was being
moved for an out-of-State celebrity. However, I think it's only cour-
teous under those conditions to move and we did.
Q. Would you consider Mr. Lively as fitting the category of people
that the Republicans are looking for for young politicians?
A. I think there's a distinct possibility that Mr. Lively fits into the
category of people I'm referring to, and I think there's a great likeli-
hood that we can muster a great amount of support among young
people who are looking for answers and aren't satisfied with the
answers that are presently being provided. But I think that when we
go out looking for a broad base of support that's going to make the
Republican Party an effective ingredient in the future City elections,
we can't look only in this direction. I think we've got to look in the
colleges and among people of various persuasions in order 10 recruit,
a broad cross section of opinion, possibly on an ideological basis that
has one common point of focus, and that is that it's geared to the
solving of governmental problems. Yesterday I had a chance to meet
with a number of young college students and discussed with them
some of the problems they see in government. They have a fresh point
of view, and I think they can be very valuable to us.
Q. Governor, what I had in mind is whether there's any chance of
the Republican Party getting back the Negro vote.
A. Well, I think it depends on whether the Republican Party can
offer solutions to the problems that the Negro community is con-
cerned with. And I'm very impressed with the job that the Republican
Task Force put together under Governor Rockefeller's direction in
New York this past spring as a result of the rioting, and we still have
copies of that result which was more or less emulated by the National
Governors' Conference later on. So what I'm saying is, if we offer
solutions to the problems, we're going to get the support. If we don't,
we're not. It's that simple.