haven't received the specifics although they have been promised to
us. The State stands ready to do anything it can to improve conditions
in Cambridge. We're working with the African Methodist Episcopal
Church to try to expedite the semi-public housing and the rent supple-
ment program in Cambridge. We have been in touch with the De-
partment of the Interior to attempt to accelerate the provision of a
new sewage treatment plant that will enable more low and middle
income housing to be constructed. In short, we are doing everything
we can think of to do, but we're continually faced with what you
might call broad allegations of neglect, and we can't get the specifics
in hand from the people so that we can act on them quicker.
Q. Governor, are you indicating now that there is a lack of leader-
ship among the Negroes in Cambridge?
A. Well, I think some of the alleged leaders really have not assumed
any constructive action. Certainly, some of those who came to see me
and promised that they would provide the specifics and have them in
my office, haven't done it. Again, I want to emphasize the other side
to the picture, these people have got a problem down there. The
only thing we're saying is, we want to help them with it, and we can't
unless we can come to grips with reality. And in some way I think
part of that leadership is more interested in preserving its position of
being able to complain than it is about solving the problem.
Q. Do you plan any more meetings with them, Governor?
A. We're meeting with them on a continuing basis. I have had staff
members in Cambridge so many days during the past months that I
don't even recognize them when they come into the office.
Q. Governor, have you asked General Gelston to stand by with the
national guardsmen?
A. I have not asked General Gelston to stand by. Of course, I have
made it known that this request has been made so that the guard
commander will be up to date on the situation.
Q. Who will be in charge of the State Police when they go down?
A. Colonel Davidson will assume command.
Q. Has any State official been invited to participate in the meeting?
A. Not to my knowledge.
Q. Governor, on another topic, are you apprised of the situation
with the Baltimore City Republican Committee, the battle going on