April 3, 1967
Mr. Firestone, Commissioner Racine, Mayor Neff, distinguished
guests, ladies and gentlemen:
It is indeed a pleasure to welcome to Maryland an industry with
the distinguished name of Firestone. This groundbreaking will be
only the start, I trust, of a long and cordial relationship between the
company, the community of Perryville, the County of Cecil and the
State of Maryland.
In my opinion, it would be more appropriate if Governor Tawes
were officially extending this particular welcome to this particular
industry. For all of us are aware of the important role he played per-
sonally in helping persuade it to locate in Maryland. But by virtue of
the office and the calendar and the Constitution, the honor falls to
me, and I can only say that I wish Governor Tawes could be here to
share this moment with us.
This new plastics plant, which will be the first large manufacturing
operation in the Perryville area, will make an important contribution
to the economic health and stability of this community and the north-
eastern section of Maryland.
The Firestone Company is investing some $12 million in a facility
which will offer 150 well-paid jobs at the outset with a potential of
some 400 within three years or so after starting production early next
Mr. Firestone, we are profoundly grateful to you and to the other
officials of your company for this resounding vote of confidence in the
State of Maryland and I want to assure you that you will continue to
receive every possible form of cooperation and assistance from the
State government to make certain that your future plans are realized.
Ladies and gentlemen, in the location of this particular plant in
Maryland we have a prime example of how cooperative efforts at the
city, county and state levels can play a vital role in attracting industry.
The contribution of many individuals to this effort is borne out in the
highlights of a case history furnished to me by the Maryland Depart-
ment of Economic Development.