Williams, John T., president,
World War I, golden anniversary. 146-7
Maryland State College, Princess
World War II ...............938
Anne ..........................816
Wright, Orville ................ 697
Williams, Wallace A., Baltimore
Wurtzburger, Jon A. ........ 681
County Council ......... 684
Wyatt, Joseph M., Sr. .............243
Willkie, Wendell L., Republican
Wyatt, Joseph M., Jr., Democrat,
presidential nominee 1940 .... 890
House of Delegates, Baltimore
Wilson, James Q., professor of
City ....... ................. 243
government, Harvard University
550, 608, 882-3, 965
Wilson, William L.7 president.
Yale University .............. 151
Board of Trustees of State
York, Robert H., Lt. General,
Colleges ....................738, 748
U. S. Army ............... 757, 763
Wilson, Woodrow, Democrat,
Yorty, Samuel W., Democrat,
President of the U. S., 1913-1921 146
Mayor of Los Angeles ......... 334
Wiretaps of State Capitol ....... 696-7
Young, W. Irvin, chief, Bureau of
Witt, Norbert A. ................ 681
Revenue Estimates ........ 837, 842
WJZ-TV ......................98, 107
Young, Whitney Moore, Jr., executive
Wolff, Jerome B., chairman-director,
director, National Urban League
State Roads Commission ..... 5, 13,
352, 366, 378, 663, 760, 798, 908
61, 75, 97, 112, 119, 124, 160, 175,
Young Democrats, Baltimore
193, 218-9, 235-6, 335, 337, 411, 426,
County ........................742
473, 487, 581, 694, 829, 876
Young Republicans ........151-8, 236-7
Wolman, Abel .........649, 765
Youth ............... 800, 932
Wolman, Paul C., Director of
advantages of current generation 802
Parole and Probation .......... 329
college students, opinion of ......151
Workmen's Compensation
Commission ................... 604
police-community relations ... 8034
popular conception ............ 607
commissioner's resignation ......960
student leaders ............... 607-8