People's Advocate, creation of state
air quality control act of Md. 149-50
position....................... 68-9
board.................... 209
Pepersack, Vernon L., Commissioner
budget proposals.............. 42
of Correction...... 84, 115, 135, 195
comprehensive pollution abate-
Percy, Charles H., Republican, U. S.
ment legislation............ 427
Senator from Illinois...... 156, 225,
effect of Federal spending on
433, 552, 787
state program............... 242
Perry, Marvin, president, Goucher
Federal and state programs..... 209,
College................. 780-1
212-3, 264-5
Perryville, Md.................. 132-3
Federal tax incentive......... 187
Personnel Advisory Committee... 391
Maryland pollution
Personnel Study Committee... 390-1
characteristics.... 209-10
Peterson, Peter G., business execu-
program.................. 14, 674-8
tive, Bell and Howell Corp...... 436
sanitary facilities sewerage act
Petrou, Nicholas V............... 973
passage...................... 199
Philadelphia Bulletin............ 255
see also Legislation listings
Pickrell, Eloise, program chairman,
and Water pollution
Maryland Division, American
Polovoy, Norman, Insurance Com-
Association of University Women
missioner; later Assistant Attor-
ney General and chief, Division
Pimlico Junior High School 520, 524
of Consumer Protection..... 168-9,
Pinball machines; see Gambling
254, 780
Pine, James A., Democrat, Senator,
Pomerleau, Donald D., police com-
Baltimore County............ 124-5
missioner, Baltimore City.... 19, 20,
329, 363, 392, 401, 412, 416-7, 420-2,
community development, need
431, 511, 603, 721-2, 757, 769-70, 892,
for.... 234, 290, 292-4, 375, 551, 553
914, 921, 942
health planning................ 900
Poor People's March..... 823, 866,
inter-county regional planning
872-3, 876, 935
council...................... 552
Resurrection City............ 876-7
planning commissioner......... 242
Port of Baltimore; see Maryland
usefulness.................... 672-3
Port Authority
Plato......................... 267-8
Potomac River......... 227, 427, 764
Potomac River bridge.......... 765-6
Baltimore City............... 174-5
renaming of................... 763
Black communities............. 302
Potter, David M., historian....... 156
community relations......... 800-5
Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr......... 89
community relations councils.. 261
Prather, Richard G., General; chair-
Federal government funds for
man, Advisory Board, Department
law enforcement............. 409
of Correction.................. 511
frisking...................... 920
Prendergast, William, former direc-
inadequacies........... 261-2, 358-9
tor research, Republican National
Kerner commission report 927
Committee.................... 167
see also U. S. Advisory Com-
Presidential cabinet; see U. S.
mission on Civil Disorders
Government, cabinet
Maryland Chiefs of Police
Presidential candidates, Democratic
Association................. 962-3
654-5, 656, 743, 785-7, 857, 878, 942-3
Maryland training standards.. 358
see also Democratic Party and
problems...................... 962
individual names
professionalism............ 261, 263
qualifications.................. 191
Presidential candidates, Republican;
see individual names
salaries................... 191, 215
Presidential election, 1968.... 704, 795
training commission............ 43
unionization....... 20, 7$, 96, 367
Agnew opinion of presidential
see also Baltimore City police
Political federalism.............. 991
hopefuls.................... 198
candidates discussed..... 153, 418
Maryland delegation position.... 787
Gallup.................. 939, 943
Maryland presidential primary.. 224,
Harris... 939
238, 433-4, 487, 558, 560, 707. 734, 738
Pollution control
Maryland results............ 979-80
abatement incentives for
Vietnam issue................ 486-7
industry................ 427, 530
Wallace campaign............. 656