States Senate. Almost a century has passed, but his thoughts remain
I quote from Governor Whyte:
"Recognizing the right of my fellow citizens to transfer my labors
to another field of duty... [I am] gratified beyond expression at their
"A child of Maryland, I trust I shall never lose sight of her honor
... I shall hold true allegiance to the Constitution of the United
States and be faithful to the Federal compact, lending my best ener-
gies to promote the prosperity and happiness of all sections of [the]...
country. In accepting the distinguished position now conferred upon
me, I feel it [is]... my duty... to resign the office to which I was
called two years ago, by a generous and confiding constituency, in
order that the General Assembly may, in conformity with the terms
of the Constitution, elect my successor....
"In [parting]... from my official associates, and from the members
of the two Houses of the Assembly, I cannot forego the expression of
my deep regret, but I shall look back upon my connection with them
with sincere affection and gratitude. "
So it is with a sense of participating in a tradition of Maryland's
past that I resign my Office of Governor as of 1 p. m., January 7, 1969.
And it will be with a sense of creating a tradition for Maryland's
future that I shall assume the Office of Vice President of the United
States on January 20, 1969.