This volume covers the first of Governor Tawes' two four-year
terms as chief executive of Maryland.
During his first term, the Governor made 649 full-length speeches
and messages and numerous shorter statements. It has not been pos-
sible here to include all materials issued during this period. Within
the limitations imposed by space requirements, which have been an
important consideration in the preparation of this volume, materials
have been selected and included on the basis of their significance and
representativeness and are presented chronologically under appropri-
ate topical headings with brief introductions.
Of the selected materials presented here, only the Governor's mes-
sages to the legislature during this period have been included in their
entirety. These messages constitute the opening part of this volume.
The second part consists of 200 selections, taken from remarks, state-
ments, press releases and other public papers issued by the Gover-
nor's office during this period, which have been included either in
their entirety or with minor deletions.
The funds for printing this volume have been supplied by the
State of Maryland. The College of Business and Public Administra-
tion and the Department of Government and Politics have assisted
by providing space and administrative services for the project. The
editor has worked under the general supervision of Mr. Odell Smith,
Assistant to the Governor. Dr. Joseph Pilegge has assisted in the or-
ganization and editing of the volume; the typing of the manuscript
has been by Miss Laura Hertzlich and Miss Ruth Weissman; Mr.
James Strouse and Miss Ellen Christner have helped prepare the
index and assisted in proofing the manuscript.
College Park, Maryland
January 1, 1967