and culturally to reach its full potential as a part of this great country
of ours. The highway contributes and will continue to contribute to this
growth and it should be a great source of pride to you gentlemen here
today to know that, without you, such growth would not be possible.
I have spoken of accomplishment both by government and by your
industry. What about the future? Where do we go from here?
This Administration is interested, vitally so, in continuing to build
strength into our State's highway system. My interest in this program
has not flagged one iota. Nor will we ever lose one iota of vigor in this
program because I know as well as you do the importance of providing
the traveler with a safe and efficient highway network.
All of us know that over the next few years much work must be
accomplished in the highway field if a growing Maryland is to be prop-
erly served. We know that highway systems at the State, municipal
and county level must be strengthened in the tremendous burdens ex-
pected to be thrust upon them by the projected increases in population
are to be met. We know much work must be done if our highway
systems are to be able to carry with efficiency and safety the great
number of motor vehicles planners tell us will be traveling in our State
in years to come. Not only will this increase in motor vehicle regis-
tration come about from greater population, but more and more of our
Maryland families now own two and even three cars. We know much
work must be done because of the great increase in the number of
vehicle miles our people will travel in years to come.
To meet these burdens, we know, for example, that practically every
mile of highway now in existence on the State, county and municipal
systems must undergo some form of reconstruction, whether it be simple
resurfacing, widening of existing pavements, elimination of curves and
grades or other forms of reconstruction work. We know, also, that in
order to help meet these staggering burdens we must build certain
amounts of new highways on entirely new locations. And then we
know, as another example, that maintenance must be stepped up to
modern-day levels if we are to protect properly the investment we are
making and will continue to make in our highway systems.
While we have made and are making great strides toward giving
Maryland the roads it needs to have a transportation system which will
permit and encourage growth, much remains to be done. As Governor,
I pledge you my efforts to see that what needs to be done is done. As
contractors, I know you can be counted on to help us accomplish the
task, to do the job fast and well so that the future we regard so hopefully
today will be a bright reality tomorrow.