its complexities, the tragic loss of life, limb and property will continue
to be greater than it should. This is not to say that Maryland has
not done well over the years in its handling of the problem. But we
must not rest on past performance. We must continue to find ways
to strengthen the overall effort.
The improvement of our road system must continue. Our law-
enforcement agencies must continuously seek more effective ways to
carry out their responsibilities in the promotion of highway safety.
Traffic courts must strive for maximum deterrence. Standards for the
registration of vehicles and the licensing of drivers must be kept high.
An effective program of driver education must be encouraged. Cer-
tainly an effective control of the motor vehicle and its driver requires
a coordinated joint effort by all official agencies. It also requires
appropriate legislative support if we are to reach our goal, which
is the smoothest flow of traffic, moving at the highest speed com-
patible with safety. I sincerely request that you give this problem
of traffic safety your most careful attention at this session. Funds
have been allocated in the Department of Maryland State Police for
twenty additional troopers, to increase the uniform personnel to
741. An increase in the budget of the Maryland Traffic Safety Com-
mission is also being recommended.
The oyster propagation program of the Department of Tidewater
Fisheries has continued to produce ever-increasing quantities of seed
oysters, with a record of 932, 103 bushels transplanted to the natural
bars in 1963. A survey recently completed of the fourteen seed areas,
of which twelve have been established during the past two years,
indicates that a minimum of 1, 300, 000 bushels of high-quality seed
are available for transplanting in the spring of this year. The budget
for this department has been increased by $57, 713, for a total of
$2, 888, 720. The annual gain in the production of seed oysters since
1961 has been more than 350, 000 bushels. Consequently, an increase
in the department's funds has been allowed to permit the trans-
planting of 1, 500, 000 bushels in 1965, which is an increase of 500, 000
bushels over the current year.
In the printed message which you are receiving today, departmental
activities and programs are treated in considerable detail, but in the
interest of time I must be more brief in this presentation. I am asking