Chester, 349
Colonial Assembly, 93
Chester River, 454
Columbus Day, 170
Chestertown, 233, 454
Commerce, Association of, 167
Chevrolet and Fisher Body Division, 157,
Commerce, United States Department of,
191, 195
Chicago, 502, 526
Commercial Fisheries, Bureau of, 275
Chief Scientific Adviser, 435
Commission of the Aging, State, 20, 33,
Child Welfare, Bureau of, 315, 316, 317
299, 308, 309, 310, 311, 318, 319
Children and Youth, Governor's Confer-
Commissioner of Mental Hygiene, 222
ence on, 311
Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, 34, 418,
Children's Center, Maryland, 8, 9, 322,
557, 56), 562, 565
323, 513
Commissioner of Personnel, 39, 44, 297, 319
Children's Hospital, Baltimore, 313, 339
Commissioners of Peace, 361
Chop tank, 360
Committee to Promote the Employment
Choptank Electric Company, 169
of the Handicapped, 330, 331
Choptank River, 579
Communism, 98
Christ Church, 358, 361, 362
Communists, 95, 151, 436, 443
Christmas, 481, 482, 483, 582
"Community Chest, " Mr., 438
Chronic Disease Hospital, 8
Company D, 438
Church Creek, 15
Comptroller, State, 48, 123, 125 169, 191,
Church of Christ, 475, 479, 480
219, 286, 295, 428, 525, 528
Church of England, 359, 361
Comptroller, State Roads Commission, 20
Circuit Courts, 146
Conant, Dr. James B., 235
Citizenship and Patriotism, 87-97
Confederates, 378, 379, 462
American Way of Life, 96, 97, 98; broth-
Congress, United States, 98, 118, 308, 380,
erhood, 91, 92; requisites for good citi-
436, 467
zenship, 90, 94, 98; fight for Baltimore
Congressional Districts, 299
in War of 1812, 88; Fort McHenry as
Connecticut, 269, 380, 535
symbol, 89
Conococheague, 396
Citizenship, National Conference on, 89
Conservation and Natural Resources, 115-
City Hall, 128, 145
121, abundance of natural resources,
Civil Defense, 101-111
116; hunting and finshing, 119, 120, 175;
booklets, 109, 110; continuity of govern-
pollution problem, 117, 118
ment, 108, courses on, 110; fallout shel-
Constitution, Maryland, 11, 19, 38, 101,
ters, 105, 106, 108; program for, 103, 104
288, 289, 303, 361, 362, 384, 440, 445,
Civil and Defense Mobilization, Office on,
448, 454, 462, 478, 490
Constitution of 1789, 488
Civil Defense, Maryland, 28, 47, 59, 101,
Constitution, United States, 38, 91, 98, 384,
102, 103, 105, 108, 112, 257, 420, 421
462, 477, 481, 485, 488, 489, 491
Civil Defense and Defense Mobilization,
Constitutional Convention of 1787, 71
National Plan for, 107
Consultant and Preventive Service, Divi-
Civil Defense Committee, 112
sion of, 316
Civil Defense Conference, Governor's, 111
Consumer Finance Association, Maryland,
Civil Defense Control Center, Maryland,
101, 104, 108
Continental Army, 382
Civil Defense, Office of, 112
Continental Congress, 380, 383
Civil Defense Day, National, 103
Coolidge, Calvin, 91, 142
Civil War, 358, 371, 378, 379, 380, 462
Cooper, Dr. Paul D., 239
Civil War Centennial Commission, 357,
Coordinating Commission on the Problems
377, 378, 379
of the Aging, State, 293
Civitan Club of Towson, 336
Coppin, 11
Claggett, Lansdale G., 575
Coppin Laboratory School, 28
Classified Employees Association, Maiy-
Cornwallis, 379, 302
land, 39, 296, 297
Clerk of Court, 427, 525
Correction, Department of, 11, 35, 48, 58,
522, 523
Clifton T. Perkins Hospital, 332, 341, 515,
County Commissioners, Maryland Associ-
ation of, 387, 401
Coast and Geodetic, 272
Coatsville, 350
County Commissioners, Maryland Board
Coke, Thomas, 480
of, 542
Cold War, 279, 433
County Council, 162
College Park, Maryland, 11, 28, 49, 67, 203,
Court Clerk Association, Maryland, 428, 429
252, 258
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