Another, after citing teacher pay increases and a broadened school
construction program, all from the additional State aid, had this to say:
"... Despite the increased cost of operating the government and the
public school system, (we) have been able to reduce the county tax
rate from $1. 96 to $1. 92 per $100 of assessable property. "
And then he added: "... We feel that this money will greatly im-
prove our present education system and the general welfare of (this)
county. "
Generally speaking, our efforts to improve the financial conditions of
local governments by extending to them additional State aid were com-
One Board wrote:
"We again thank you and the 1961 Legislature for making these
funds available so that we could grant necessary requests, particularly
in our schools, and at the same time not have to increase our tax rate. "
Another said:
"The Board wishes to thank you and the members of the Legislature
for your cooperation in bringing about this program of much needed
relief to the counties of our State. "
And still another wrote:
"Let me take this opportunity to compliment you as the Governor of
Maryland in pursuance of recognizing the responsibility of the State of
Maryland to take the leadership, in providing an intelligent partnership
between State and local government, the benefit of which will inure to
the citizens of this State. "
In my requests for information, I was not courting pats on the back
and praise from local government officials. It nevertheless was most
gratifying to observe that proper recognition is being given to the
sincere effort we have made to relieve local governments of some of
their financial burden.
I think the keynote of this program is sounded in the words of the
letter I have just quoted—that what we seek is "an intelligent partner-
ship" between the State and its local subdivisions. This is my aim and
my purpose as the chief executive of the State. I know that I can expect
the cooperation of the fiscal officers here assembled in our effort to make
this partnership work.