housing, instructional and other facilities to accommodate increased
enrollments expected for many years hence.
Enlarged appropriations are also recommended to expand teaching
and professional staffs, for merit increments to members of the
faculties an to defray the costs maintaining the expanded physical
plant, In the budget I am offering, the University of Maryland and
the State Board of Agriculture will receive an increase in general-fund
support of $1, 312, 852. Morgan State College will be allotted $54, 392
additional, and the five state teachers colleges, a total of $584, 680
in additional funds. High standards of education cannot be main-
tained without good teaching, and so I am recommending to you a
revision of faculty salary scales of the University, Morgan State
College and the five teachers colleges to enable these institutions to
recruit and retain gifted and able teaching personnel. My proposal
provides a uniform base scale for all of our institutions of higher
learning. It sets up for the first time professorial rank for the faculty
of the teachers colleges, which will serve the two-fold purpose of
strengthening the faculty and providing a more rational approach
to salary conditions in these institutions. Additional increments are
allowed to graduate and professional instruction in the highest two
ranks, an area in which the university faces its most serious problem
in the recruitment and retention of key faculty personnal.
The improved scales will enable us to keep abreast of national
salary standards and will make it possible for these institutions to
maintain a strong competitive position in attracting and keeping
competent teaching personnel.
Good health is as essential to the happiness and success of a com-
munity as it is to the individual. So, I urge that we continue to
press onward with aggressive programs of public health and mental
hygiene. Last year, you will recall, we took steps to accomplish a
greater measure of cooperation and coordination between the De-
partment of Health and Mental Hygiene by setting up a new policy
board to govern both, A greater emphasis is being placed upon com-
munity health services, and, under the guidance of the board of
health and mental hygiene, the two departments are collaborating
to give impetus to this progressive movement in public health, parti-
cularly with regard to the treatment of the mentally ill and mentally
retarded. It is satisfying to be able to report a continuation of the
downward trend in patient population in our mental hospitals—a
trend which assuredly indicates the high quality of the treatment
we are giving the mentally ill in our State. The average number