"Confidence and Faith". The day after election I made a statement
in which I named as the three greatest assets of Maryland its bounti-
ful land, its alert and vigorous population and its unequaled heritage
of freedom and tolerance. We Marylanders are fortunate in the rich
endowments of our State. As Governor, this knowledge will strengthen
me in facing the tasks ahead. The opportunities for growth and de-
velopment which lie before us are unlimited.
With faith and confidence in our State and its people, and with
the help of Almighty God. we can look forward to an ever more
bountiful and prosperous life for all our people.
Thank you .....
January 27, 1959
Mr. President, Mr. Speaker, Ladies and Gentlemen of the General
I have asked the two Houses to assemble in joint session here today
so that I may present to you the budgetary program for the State
for the fiscal year beginning next July 1.
You will have before you the budget documents which we have
prepared, consisting of the Budget Book and a Personnel Supplement.
You will also receive the complete printed Budget Message containing
in detail spending proposals for the several departments and agencies
of State government, together with information relating to estimated
revenues, proposed funds for public improvements and other import-
ant financial data.
I would suggest to each of you that you read this printed message
carefully and refer to it frequently in your work on the budget during
the months ahead.
You will observe that my plan for balancing State expenditures
with State resources requires neither the imposition of new taxes
nor an increase in the rates of existing ones.
When I began work on the budget only a few days after I was
elected Governor, I set out with two main purposes. First of all, I was
determined that the services the State government now is providing