Those of us in public office sometimes are sensitive to your criticism
but none of us ever would attempt to impair your right to criticize.
Fortunately in this country, the restraint under which newspapers
operate is self-imposed. Regulations such as are placed upon other
institutions which perform a public function have never been im-
posed upon newspapers because of the abiding consciousness of Amer-
ican journalists of their responsibility not to abuse the liberty of the
press. For this reason, our newspapers are deserving the highest praise
of all of us. And for this reason, they merit our tolerance when they
sometimes err.
I have spoken here much about your duties and your responsibil-
ities, I should not like to end these remarks before first having told
you that I am conscious of my own obligation to the press. As a
public official — as a servant of all of our citizens — it is my duty to
keep these agencies of public information informed at all times of my
activites as Governor of the State and of the activities of the depart-
ments and agencies which function under me.
In a democracy such as ours, the government cannot operate suc-
cessfully unless it is supported by the people, and the people cannot
participate effectively in their government unless they understand it.
An informed citizenry is the keystone of democratic government.
Thomas Jefferson, who has become a sort of patron saint of the
press and the newspaper profession, wrote this: "No government
ought to be without censors, and where the press is free none ever
will. "
To guard our liberties as a free people, we must rededicate our?
selves to the principle that every citizen has the right and ought to
speak and write his sentiments, keeping within the bounds of truth.
August 17, 1961
Let me begin by expressing my gratitude to you for inviting me
to attend this meeting of Associated Press members of the Middle
Atlantic Region. I assure you that I am both delighted and highly
honored to have this opportunity.