2. Improvement in the techniques and programs for the treatment
of the patients.
Nevertheless, with all these generally favorable conditions, the State
has continued the amount of money expended for mental health. The
net result is that patients are being dismissed and returned to the com-
munities at an accelerated rate, and those remaining in the institutions
are receiving better care and treatment. With the construction that has
been completed, or is nearing completion, it may be said, with one or
two exceptions, that our physical plant may be described as adequate.
Rehabilitation buildings have been completed and are in operation at
Crownsville, Spring Grove and Rosewood. The Clifton T. Perkins
Hospital for the care of maximum security type and serious court-
committed patients was opened January 12, 1960. The geriatrics build-
ing at the Eastern Shore Hospital will be opened this year. The program
for the replacement of the old Centre Building at Spring Grove is
under way and should be finished within a few years.
Let me say, finally, just a few words about a new program we have
started—a program for the establishment of day care centers for the
mentally retarded and the mentally ill in several communities of the
State. The decision was reached that this program should be financed
on an equal sharing basis by the State and local governments. I have
recommended in the next budget an appropriation as a State fund to
match local funds in the construction of these day care centers in Balti-
more and in the counties.
I believe the record of this Administration demonstrates its deep
interest in the mental health of the people of this State. In the chal-
lenging task at hand, we need and we solicit the advice and help of
groups of conscientious, responsible citizens such as we have assembled
here this evening.
May 10, 1961
The theme of Hospital Week, which we are observing here today, is
"Your hospital—a community partnership. " It is an appropriate theme,
and particularly so in Maryland. For nearly a hundred years now, our
small State has enjoyed a national and an international reputation for