purpose we may lose our liberty and all the other benefits we enjoy from
our established way of life.
To you who are students here, let me offer you encouragement to con-
tinue on the course you have chosen in pursuit of knowledge and wisdom
through the educative process. Education, as you know, does not end
with the termination of formal schooling, but continues throughout
life. To those of you who are being honored here today for student
leadership, I offer hearty congratulations and sincere best wishes for
continued success.
On the subject of leadership, one of the great journalists and historians
of our era wrote: "The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind him
in other men the conviction and the will to carry on. The genius of a
good leader is to leave behind him a situation which common sense,
without the grace of genius, can deal with successfully. "
Here on this campus, you already have demonstrated that you possess
the qualifications of the good leader. It should be a source of great
satisfaction to you to know that you have imparted to those with whom
you have been associated in Maryland State College "the conviction
and the will to carry on"—that you have left behind you "a situation
which common sense... can deal with successfully. "
August 4, 1960
The City of Baltimore and the State of Maryland are pleased to have
as their guests this year the legislators, educators and others who have
assembled for this Ninth Annual Legislative Work Conference of the
Southern Regional Education Board. As Governor of the State, I extend
to all of you a warm and cordial welcome. We hope your visit with us
will afford you both pleasure and profit in great abundance.
The State of Maryland is proud to have been able to cooperate with
the fifteen other Southern states in this joint undertaking for the im-
provement of our educational systems. We are well aware of the bene-
fits we have derived from our participation in the regional education
compact. We hope, in turn, that what we have done has been of
value to the States which you represent at this Conference.
Maryland is especially pleased to have been chosen for this particular
Conference on medical education. For we have a measure of pride on