7. You are to be allowed seven shillings and six pence per week
for the subsist of recruits, till they arrive at their station.
8. You will take notice, that the colonel of the battalion, or a
field officer to be appointed by him, is to inspect your men, and
reject such as do not answer to your instructions.
9. You shall be allowed seven shillings and six pence for every
man you enlist, who shall be past on inspection as effective, besides
the subsist money mentioned before, and your pay.
10. You will furnish the subalterns of your company with a copy
of these instructions, who are to exert themselves in recruiting.
By order, G. DUVALL, clerk.
To —————————, Captain of the —————————.
That all non-commissioned officers and privates of the said bat-
talion, independent companies, and companies of artillery and ma-
rines, be inlisted by their voluntarily subscribing an engagement in
the following words, to wit: "We whose names are hereto sub-
scribed, do voluntarily enlist ourselves soldiers or matrosses, or in
the marines, as the case may happen to be, to serve as such, dur-
ing the present dispute between Great Britain and America, un-
less sooner discharged by order of the convention or council of
safety in Maryland for the time being, hereby subjecting ourselves
to such rules and regulations as are, or shall be made by the con-
vention of Maryland, for regulating and governing the forces in the
pay of this province, Witness our hands."
That all non-commissioned seamen and landmen, retained in
the pay of this province, for the naval service, shall be entered by
their voluntarily subscribing the following engagement, to wit:
"We whose names are subscribed, do voluntarily enter ourselves
as seamen, or landsmen, as the case may be, in the naval service
of the province of Maryland, for the full term of six months next
following, unless sooner discharged by order of the convention or
council of safety of Maryland, or by the captain or other chief offi-
cer of the ship or vessel in which we may be employed; hereby sub-
jecting ourselves to such rules and regulations as are or shall be
made by the convention of this province, for regulating and gov-
erning the forces in the pay thereof. Witness our hands, the dates
affixed to our names respectively."
That one month's pay be advanced to each person who shall be
so enlisted or entered as aforesaid, and that over and above the pay
of the non-commissioned officers and privates of the battalion, in-
dependent companies, and companies of artillery and marines,
each of them be yearly found and allowed, at the expense of this