Convention met.
Mr. Hollyday brings in and delivers to Mr. President, a report
from the committee appointed to prepare and report a scheme for
the emission of bills of credit, to defray the expenses of defending
this province, and other purposes therein mentioned, which was
read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
A report from the committee appointed to receive proposals re-
lating to the establishment of manufactories of any kind within this
province, was read and considered; and thereupon Resolved, That
six hundred pounds in bills of credit out of the public treasury, be
advanced to Mr. William Whetcroft of the city of Annapolis, for
the term of two years, without interest, he giving bond with good
security to repay the same; the said William Whetcroft to con-
tract to build and complete, within the space of six months, at his
own risk, a rolling, sheeting, and slitting mill, within twenty miles
of Baltimore town, or in any other part of the province that this con-
vention shall appoint; and therefrom to supply the public and indi-
viduals with slit or sheet iron, at the price the same, at the time of
sale thereof, can be purchased in Pennsylvania or Virginia, and
that it shall never exceed the sum of thirty-five pounds common
money per ton. The said William Whetcroft also to slit, roll, or
make into sheet or flatted iron, any quantity thereof, the property
of the public, brought to the said mill, at the rate of five pounds
per ton; and any quantity thereof, the property of private persons,
being inhabitants of this province, at the rate of six pounds per
ton, if brought to the said mill.
Ordered, That no commission issue to Mr. John Thomas, first
major of the South River battalion in Anne Arundel county, he
having declined that office; or to any of the officers of Mr. John
Burgess' company; or to Mr. William Gambrill, a lieutenant of
Mr. John Boone's company, during the sitting of this convention,
but that the same be referred to the council of safety.
The convention proceeded to ballot for the rank of counties and
colonels, when the rank was settled as follows:
Somerset 1, Cecil 2, Dorchester 3, Talbot 4, Queen Anne's 5, St.
Mary's 6, Anne Arundel 7, Harford 8, Baltimore 9, Worcester 10,
Prince George's 11, Charles 12, Kent 13, Caroline 14, Calvert 15,
Frederick 16.
In Somerset county. Col. George Dashiell of the first battalion,
1; col. Thomas Hayward, 17.
Cecil county. Col. Charles Rumsey, 2; col. John Veazey, 18;
col. George Johnson, 30.